Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
idea, melded an exterior 1947 Chrysler Town and Country as a toolbar, panel, etc.
Gtk2 theme for: Xfxe4, Gnome2, Mate, E17, IceWm, OpenBox3, StandAlone Compiz, Fluxbox, etc.,
Engine=Pixmap, Mist
Note: No gtk3. If your using gnome3 apps
this is will not charm your desktop.
Includes: gtk2 theme, xfwm theme, openbox3 theme, wallpaper, icewm theme
Icons=Faenza http://tiheum.deviantart.com/art/Faenza-Icons-173323228
MouseCursor=KnotVista ported to linux by GrynayS
Some wallpapers I use with this theme;
Red Samoerai Girl @
Autumn colors @
Japanese room garden @
Japanese Tea Fields @
Also, special thanks to samriggs for the ruler fix
for gimp, libreoffice, etc.
Changes: October 31, 2013
Screenshots 1&2: old look vs new. Icewm theme forground, Xfce4wm theme background. Bottom panel Icewm, Side panel Xfce4.
Screenshot 3- Icewm theme showing: Openbox3 config, Xfce4 notifications.
Added Icewm theme
Changed tree config- odd even rows, tree-item selection
Changed menu item selection
Changed detail list odd even rows
Changed window base bg color
Increased scrollbar width, redo of sliders
Changed tooltip main color to yellow
Changed panel buttons active is now innie, old panel buttons in /Chi/gtk-2.0/Panel/vertical along with vertical panel
for you vertical panel users.
Changed range trough look
Changed menubar look slightly, to match icewm close ,max, min tab
Added my upgrades to gtkrc; button functions to default, panel.rc moved out on own, gtknotify tied to tooltip etc.
Changes: November 16, 2012
Added xfwm4
Reworked openbox3 theme to match.
Rework of button look to lighter shade
Thinned down upper bottom rail of menu to match,
the rest of menu rails.
Added menu-sticker to menu, comment lines, 633 and 634
of gtkrc if you want to remove it from the style "menu".
Increased intensity of toolbutton normal and prelight.
Changed vert. line separator to match horz gold look.
Changed option/checkbox highlight look.
Changed the selected bg color, insensitive fg, insensitive text. for better clarity.
Increased contrast and brightened scrollbar slide gripper prelight, same with status grip and arrow
Changed handlebar look.
Thinned down and changed the focus entry .png, added a separate focus spin entry to match. Now when in
entry field the surround just intensifies.
Removed some uneeded text entry .pngs from folder and
Increased the space between text and tooltip surround, for a nice uncluttered look.
Changed Xnotify and set to tooltip look.
Added another panel bg, both horiz and vert, increased
size to 38 px, reduced rail size to give apps a nice
set in look.
New panel normal button.
Updated panel gtkrc, mostly in panel config for unified panel button-
app look size.
Increased tree arrow size.
Ratings & Comments
Really nice theme ! Did not appear in my theme manager. Took me a while to work out I had to use "customise" and select the controls.
Nice theme.Congratulations!
That's the wrongest way to hold a katana that I've ever seen. She managed to destroy what little leverage you still get while holding it backwards. But I like the way you put this together, and the idea behind it. I tend to think of oriental things in general as soothing and unobtrustive. I just think it should be lighter, because you have it at an akward half-brightness where things are harder to see.
3 words: WOW XD I have just installed it, and i'm shocked. I have never seen a theme like this, very good work! PD: sorry for my bad english :P
Thanks for the kind words, If you want some additional wow, here is a wallpaper link that gives a bit more pop. http://people.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/372320/
You out did yourself on this one. Excellent work, I like this one better then the field and stream one. Absolutely amazing. Sam
Thanks Sam, Many blurry eyed nights on this one. Also, thanks for the heads up and the fix for the gimp ruler problem. Confounds me why gtk3 does not use pixmap -pixbuf engine. Without pixmap there is no art involved other than color book art. Well, at least we have choice with Linux, Just spent a few days drilling down removing gtk3 dependencies. Had to completely remove all my gnome apps. Yeah, openbox does not care what I run, it runs what I tell it. Replaced gnome apps with xfce, lxde, kde and independents. Had to rerun qt config a couple of times to flush the gtk3 settings out of my kde apps and vlc player. Am now back with completely updated Arch and looking good with gtk2 once again. And all is right in my little world ;)
I pity you lol thats a lot of work to keep your desktop working the way you want it too. No problem on the fix for gimpers, I might add some code to the gtk for some of the other prgrams that mess up the toolbar abit like libre office, I had to split the image in half then put the top on the bottom and the bottom on top because it centers it when you put stretch = false, its an easy fix for non stretchers but some programs just don't measure it the same all the way around for the toolbars this way, I'll go through all the programs I have and make a list and see if I can fix them to look better and see if I can grab the gtk2 bits for them.I'll post one with fixes for these when I get time to crawl through them all and make fixes so you can get it also if you like. Thats if you use non stretchers, if you don't then it's really no issue. Ya I'm not looking forward to gtk3 either, still haven't looked into it much but I do like the fact it's using css now, I'm using lmde from mint and thanks to clem and the gang they stuck with the gtk2 so far, well until debian decides otherwise I guess, I'll start digging into gtk3 to see what it's limits are soon I guess, not looking forward to it.
Definitely not my style too, but quite interesting! +1
Thanks for the vote, it is always nice when I catch the eye of a fellow themer.
Not exactly my style but I've got to tell you it's quite original and looks like you've made a nice piece of work.I voted positive.
Thanks Dax, Through thick and thin, I can count on you.
Includes: gtk2 theme and openbox3 theme.