
GTK2 Themes

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Khaki colors with glass highlights.

Gtk2 theme for: Xfxe4, Gnome2, Mate, E17, IceWm, OpenBox3, StandAlone Compiz, Fluxbox, etc.,

Engine=Pixmap, Mist

Includes: gtk2 theme, xfwm theme, openbox3 theme,
icewm theme


MouseCursor=KnotVista ported to linux by GrynayS


Steampunk1 @

want more try Google Images and search Steampunk Wallpaper.
Last changelog:

Changes June 24, 2014

+++ all screenshots updated +++

More work on the scrollbar ;
removed some of the normal stepper opacity to
eliminate the ruler overlay bleed thru
darkened stepper sides, better definition
increased contrast of stepper prelight
reduced trough border to 2 pixels from 3, better look

Changed the background tab border from silver to gold, better look

Changed the notebook background, added a gold border and made four different interior designs , I like the vertical look, but you may like one of the others.
Just open the Tabs folder and rename your choice to notebook.png

You also have a choice of three different menu looks.
Just open the Menu folder and rename your choice to menu.png

Well, I have tried to remain true to this theme's name.
FiftyWays, and give you more options, as some of
you have commented there are many ways to arrive
at getting where you want and what you want.

How many themes here at opendesktop give you, so much choice?

Happy theming,
IamJustUs... aka daman


June 17, 2014 update:

Doubled trough vert1 & horiz1 pngs, now 2082 pxs.
If you have a screen size larger than that you can
set the scrollbar.rc, line 18 & line 32; from FALSE to>
overlay_stretch = TRUE

or use GIMP
and create your own specific size from original.

Too bad, we can not use a tile option, instead of
only stretch in the gtkrc it would eliminate this
problem. I set the stretch as FALSE, for a more
consistant look.

Changed this in the gtkrc
GtkScrollbar::fixed-slider-length = 0 # Don't change slider length, just lock it to the min-slider-length
It was 1, and made excessive scrolling. Nice look,
poor function.

Changed the slider look, increased the end points,
up 1px. Darkened the ends slightly. Removed some
of the end highlights.

Reduced the minium slider length to 93px was 100px
(slightly too large for some apps)
line 70 of the gtkrc, if you want to adjust further.
Some say 64px is the magic size.


June 10, 2014 update:

Screenshots are current, using my preferred Icewm
session, xfce4 looks the same.

My setup; ArchlinuxOS x86_64, Kernel- 3.14.6-1
gtk2-2.24.23-1, icewm 1.38.3-3, xfce 4.10.1-3

Added icewm theme

Complete redo of scrollbar config

Increased spinbutton size

Added menu start button, ~/.themes/FiftyWays/gtk-2.0/Panel

Added a new sidebar/tree look

reworked option and check buttons and added them
back in to default config

redo of focus entry png

Ratings & Comments



I need some help. I have tryet to install FiftyWays theme on LinuxMint 17.3 I have googled around for two days to figure out how, and I still don't have a clue. I'm new to linux.


Beautiful theme! Only one thing bugging me: Is there any way to get the window gadgets like in the screenshot to work with Mate? Looking through the uncompressed theme file, it looks like they're only for IceWM. If there's no way to get them to work with other window managers, what theme's titlebar & gadgets are people using with this one for GTK/Mate?


Beautiful theme, but unusable, because scrollbar's hit area does not extend to the edge of the window. (When using Firefox or any other program with scrollbars, where the program is maximized, it is easiest to scroll with the mouse by moving to the right edge of the screen. When the scroll bar hit area ends before the edge of the window, it takes too much extra effort to go back a few pixels to hit the scrollbar.)


I fixed it (I was pretty determined to use this awesome theme, so I made it usable). Here is how I did it: First, I increased the width of each of the vertical scroll images by 4 pixels, adding transparent area to the right sides (including the grips). Second, I changed two values in gtkrc. I changed GtkScrollbar::trough_border to 0, and I changed GtkScrollbar::slider_width to 21. Now, I can scroll in a maximized window when the pointer is at the right edge of the screen (and it still looks right too). I am pretty sure this is how my fix works (this was the intent, anyhow). I expanded the width of the scrollbar images to be wide enough to cover the trough border (with transparency, so the visuals did not change). Then I reduced the actual trough border to 0 (otherwise it would just push the image to the left, leaving an inactive area). Normally, this would just get rid of the right border, putting the slider directly against the edge, but since the slider has transparent pixels on the right, it ended up in its original location. That last part was just telling the GTK engine that I widened the image (for some reason, telling it I added 4 width did not look right, so I tried telling it I added 5 and that fixed it...). Anyhow, I am now very happy with this totally awesome theme. Thank you. (Oh, might I suggest that it would be a good idea to mention, in a prominent location, that the pixbuf engine is required, and may need to be installed, to use this theme.)


Thanks for the comment, You are on your way to becoming a themer. Fixed and updated. See change log, for details. Fourth line down> Engine=Pixmap, Mist take care, IamJustus


My specific changes seem to have some flaws. I compared my changes to the original, and found a few differences. First, the slider bar extends too far to the left (by what looks like 2 pixels). Second, it looks like it is stretching the scrollbar (width-wise), which may account for it being too wide. As I have no experience making themes (my hack of a fix in this one is my first experience), I do not know how to fix this issue. Sadly I do not have a few more hours to experiment right now. (Since my specific problem is fixed, I will continue using it though.)


My specific changes seem to have some flaws. I compared my changes to the original, and found a few differences. First, the slider bar extends too far to the left (by what looks like 2 pixels). Second, it looks like it is stretching the scrollbar (width-wise), which may account for it being too wide. As I have no experience making themes (my hack of a fix in this one is my first experience), I do not know how to fix this issue. Sadly I do not have a few more hours to experiment right now. (Since my specific problem is fixed, I will continue using it though.) I'll take a look at the newest version as soon as I have time. You may have already fixed this issue, and I just do not know about it yet...


A good way to check for errors in a theme. Open a terminal and type in your theme manager app. For example, I open Roxterm then type in lxappearance hit enter. It will report any major errors in the theme.


Thanks for the tip. I just put my latest version through lxappearance this way, with no errors reported. (This time around, I had a much better idea of what I was doing.)


The edge problem in the new version still exists. Ok, I know I said I would not have time, but... Well, I really wanted it to work. What can I say. Anyhow, I now have a version (based on the newest update) that looks identical, but the vertical (and probably horizontal, if that even matters) scrollbar hit area extends to the end of the screen in maximized windows. This time, I added 3 pixels to both sides of the scrollbars images. I removed the trough_border (set it to 0). I increased the slider_width to 22. This fixed the vertical scrollbars without any visual change to them. It did change the horizontal scrollbars and the stepper buttons though. To fix this, I had to add 3 pixels to the top and bottom of the horizontal scrollbars. To fix the stepper arrows, I made a second copy (since I did not want to break their visuals as spinbuttons), and put them in Scrollbars. For those ones, I added 3 pixels to each side of the vertical ones and another 3 to the side the arrow pointed to. I did the same for the horizontal ones, except adding 3 pixels to top and bottom and to the arrow direction. I had to increase the GtkScrollbar::stepper_size to 19 to accomodate this. Now, when I switch between the original theme and my modified one, I can see no differences at all. There is one problem I may decide to correct. This exists even in the original theme. On scrollbars, at the end, past the stepper arrows, I can see 3 pixels of the ruler image. Given how the underlying border image has top and bottom borders, I suspect this area should display border lines, instead of the ruler. Since I created a set of stepper arrows specifically for the scrollbars, I am considering filling the 3 blank pixels at the ends with the part of the border image that belongs there. That would fix the problem with almost no hassle. To the original author: If you want a copy of my fixed version, let me know, and I will find a way to get it to you. I know this may seem like a trivial change, but in trying to fix this border problem (the original one with the hit area that does not extend to the edge of the screen), I have found that a lot of people are bothered by themes with it. It can really break concentration to have to try to move the mouse back only 3 or 4 pixels every time you try to scroll. (See Fitt's Law for more information: (If you do decide you want a copy of my fixed version, let me know if you are interested in having the end borders fixed as I mentioned above. Since it will only take a few minutes, I can do that.)


someone may have allready asked this question.if so sorry for the repeat. do u have any plans on a GTK 3.0 theme dewman12


No, I do not use gtk3 or gnome apps or anything that requires gtk3. I use only gtk2, much easier and less headaches. No gnome tweaker, no keyrings, no display manager.


Your style is unique. I like most of them and they deserve more score!


Unique, thats a great compliment. And what I try to achieve, sometimes failing , stumbling. Then, I hear my Dad saying, "Keep your nose to the grindstone". Thanks for the comment and votes


Now I have found a theme to make my steampunk desktop, no other theme I have seen comes even close to yours. Great job!


Thank-you Eduardo, It is a nice day when I get a compliment, such as yours.


Very nice. I like the 3rd variation, with more calm colors; compliments for putting all together. Well done and keep improve it.


Here is a better scrollbar: I prefer tooltip-bg2, button normal to be as prelight one, made lighter the text input area (base_color)... I suggest you to work on gold and ceramic association idea of pixmaps in mind because of pleasant colors can have. Good luck; the idea has a great potential, with a little improvement for grafic images may come a great theme.


Thanks Cris, Love the overlay tip, with the slider... that slider gave me hours of frustration, I originally wanted a magnifier glass look in the center of the slider, I knew there had to be a way, but felt like I was knocking my head against a wall. Funny , I use that technique frequently, just didn't put two and two together. Great comments and apprieciate the help. Double thanks comming from such a compentent pixmap artist as yourself.


i'm not a fan of steampunk but this is very well done! the gtk2 is just perfect. just 1 thing: the dropdown menu bg, i think it should be something tileable. it's not so nice when the flower gets stretched over a large menu. both openbox and xfwm4 themes are not so good i'd say. also i'd choose a different icon theme - maybe Buuf-Deuce, Matrilineare or Ubo Icons... and gtk3?


you are aware of deviantArt? lots of steampunk stuff there.


Thanks, for the input. Menu is a tough nut to crack, lots of variables. In the menu folder, FiftyWays/gtk-2.0/Menu, I left a couple other menu choices, just rename your choice to menu.png I have done tons of openbox themes, and have rarely been wowed, it is just the nature of the beast. The xfwm4 theme, I absolutely love, it frames the gtk2 theme perfectly and what ease to work with, a themers' delight. Simple and elegant. I looked at the icon sets you suggested, and really all seem good. my criteria with icon sets is this: Is it a complete set? nothing more annoying than a mixed set. Is it colorful? monochromatic is boring and makes finding right app, like searching for waldo. Is it consistent? as in dimensions, most important to me a themer as I do not like to spend all my time designing a panel, menu, toolbar, etc. and immediately noticing the odd duck. Here is where Fanza icons really shine. I do not support gtk3, it does not support themeing. Will it ever? Yeah, I never thought about a search for steampunk at deviantArt, good idea! take care, off to do a deviantArt search.




Geez, Those are a couple of words, I remember saying to my wife, a long time past and probably should be saying every day since You are making me blush, and I am no teenage girl. Ha, Ha Thanks


This theme should be used as the benchmark. It Applies artistry and skill combined in a very pleasant way. I hope you continue to make more like this in different shades and colors. Amazing work Thank you

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