Yeah, I was using the stock Gnome icons on my Ubtuntu system. I agree, there could be better ones, but I was just interested at the moment to have a GTK2 theme that was pleasing to me and the default Gnome icons don't bother me that much. However, a modification to the Tango icons as Sparrk mentioned (and from the looks of it has already provided one) in a greenish color would be nice especially considering that the Trash icon is green also. Anyone up for it?? ;-)
Again, this was just a color mod to the original Clearlooks GTK2 theme, nothing more.
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you need to find a better icon theme to complement it. that one looks like ass.
Yeah, I was using the stock Gnome icons on my Ubtuntu system. I agree, there could be better ones, but I was just interested at the moment to have a GTK2 theme that was pleasing to me and the default Gnome icons don't bother me that much. However, a modification to the Tango icons as Sparrk mentioned (and from the looks of it has already provided one) in a greenish color would be nice especially considering that the Trash icon is green also. Anyone up for it?? ;-) Again, this was just a color mod to the original Clearlooks GTK2 theme, nothing more.
Woops...also forgot to give credit to bmzf for the Tango idea as well. Sorry there! :-)
I love this color. It's excellent, refreshing, and unboring. All we need now is a green version of the Tango icons to go with it!
Exactly my thoughts. Here is my very incomplete attempt at a green Tango folder version: