
GTK2 Themes

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A nature inspired theme.

Dedicated to a couple of old friends that have
passed on. They gave me comfort in the summer,
a sense of renewal in the spring, raw beauty in the fall
and now warmth in winter.

Gtk2 theme for: Xfxe4, Gnome2, Mate, E17, IceWm, OpenBox3, StandAlone Compiz, Fluxbox, etc.,

Engines pixmap or pixbuff and mist.

Includes: gtk2 theme, openbox3 theme, xfwm theme, IceWM theme.


MouseCursor=KnotVista ported to linux by GrynayS

Font=Roboto, designed by Google, get all 16 styles here at:

Right click on screenshots and open in new tab, to get a better view.

New to themes? create a folder, in your home directory ~/.themes
for example mine is /home/justus/.themes
the dot before themes means it is hidden and linked to /usr/share/themes
Can not find it? go to your file menubar, click View, click Show Hidden
Now, download your chosen theme, right click the downloaded file,
chose extract here, grab the extracted file and drop in your .themes folder.
Then open up your favorite appearance manager and select the newly installed
There are other ways to install themes but this is the best way!
It allows you to control or change parts of the theme without
going to root and possibly doing some harm to your file system.

You may also consider creating a folder called ~/.icons
where you can place downloaded icon themes and mouse cursor themes

And another folder callled ~/.fonts
where you can place downloaded fonts

Want to see more of my themes? Click on, Other Artwork from IamJustUs
across from the download button.
Last changelog:

Screenshot 1 old vs. new look
Screenshots 1 & 3; IceWM session
Screenshot 2; Xfce4 session


Changes: October 17, 2014

Buttons redesigned

New spin and scroll arrows

Redesign of sliders

Updated gtkrc

New treeview folder look

Menu look slight change

Entry and spin entry total make-over
Added unfocus png to inactive buttons,

Enable bg_pixmap

Added start menu png for panel

Panel button change

Panel background slight change

Added IceWM theme

Added Xonclock theme.

Ratings & Comments



You have don a great job. The color scheme that you used is very comforting and easy on the eyes. I have managed to install most of the theme except for the cursor which I am not able to get the link to (I found Windows version). This looks like a great cursor to round out the theme. Also what is the Window Border that you are using? If you could provide a link to these I would greatly appreciated. Keep up the great work. Thanks!


thanks Nathan, the mouse cusor link is included in the above description. copy and paste in a new tab, the download link at deviantArt, is kind of hard to find, its in the right-hand column directly under "browse more files like this". The window border in the previews is xfwm with compositing enabled. It is included with the download here, Also obenbox window theme is included if you use openbox. I could also do an IceWM window theme if anyone is interested, but that is as far as I could pursue.


Congratulations, beautiful theme!


Thanks, Appreciate the kind words. You may like some of my other themes as well, just click, other artwork by IamJustUs, opposite the download button and it will take you straight to my themes.


Congratulations one more time! You are a magician of the themes, all are beautiful!


Thank you so much for the advice on how to handle the screenshots. I have been SOOO frustrated since they have made this change that I have almost stopped coming to the website! BTW, your theme is beautiful, and the reasons behind its creation is both compassionate and wonderful...


Love this theme, I used the gtk for it for my new one linuxmintgreen. Thanks a lot for this one :)


'Dedicated to a couple of old friends that have passed on' What, were they shot by the guy with the gun... Or ripped apart by the dogs?


Coal, Here is the answer. They gave me comfort in the summer: Shade. a sense of renewal in the spring: Buds. raw beauty in the fall: Colorful Leaves. now warmth in winter: Firewood. The circle of life. Trees: a Basswood and Silver Maple both ancient, close to 4 foot in diameter that started to loose massive limbs during wind storms the past few years. Saftey concerns, and maybe some compassion for their digression..... Neither gun or dogs, but big black carpenter ants , grubs and such. And finally, just me and my chainsaw. Yeah, I miss them and put a memorial sticker in the menu to honor them. And a earthy zen theme to surrond them.


There would be a lot more comfort and life if it wasn't for 'big men' with 'big guns' thinking they have the right to go around the countryside destroying everything. Sad that you have lost those close to you and I don't know where bouts you are in the world, But guns aren't clever. Teaching dogs to rip apart animals isn't clever. Nor is trying to be poetic about it either. Very sad indeed.


We all kill everyday in order to survive, that is a part of life. Some, are a few steps removed from this cycle, letting others soil there hands for them. Someone like you who thinks writing a few protest words makes them big. While sitting on there, pretending falsely to make a difference. Now, run along and do something for someone or something instead of wrecking havoc and spilling bile. Nature can indeed be cruel, so to man. Yet... there is beauty if you will only look around you.


And you sir talk a lot of crap. Good day.


great job.........:)


This has to be (believe it or not) the most original theme I have seen. Never before have I seen a theme that captures an outdoors/hunter vibe. Would be a great theme for a hunting GPS unit. Very mellow :D


It is beautiful! thank you! Blessings n love upon your friends for their new journey! and upon you. <3


I love the whole color scheme. It looks great. Thank you for sharing.

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