Icons in menu and buttons (close) are disabled.
Murrine engine is required.
Optional mist engine, to remove shadows from insensitive text.
Feel free to write suggestions or bugs or ideas or whatever.
Here or in email.

Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
1.8 - Added pixmap menu lines
1.7 - fixed minor bugs
1.6 - Fixed bug with prelight.
1.5 - Changed scrollbar style.
1.4 - Changed glaze style, menuitemstyle, menubarstyle, hilight ratio, prelight text color, buttons size, active button text color.
1.3 - New color for active and prelight buttons in panel, removed shadow from insensitive text (required MIST engine).
1.2 - Smaller buttons, different prelight color in menu, removed some useless borders, a bit different colors in panel.
1.1 - Added new dark gray stylish menu.
1.0 - First release
Ratings & Comments
hi! thank you for this great theme, (I run for firefox and pcmanfm in openbox) and I really like the clean and simple look, just perfekt =)
Hi All of your murrina based themes are great, and i like them very much. But there is a problem with open office. It doesn't even work with Murrina clean, and in other themes there is a problem with scroll bars
Hmm it's strange becuse oo works fine here, but try now, i've changed scrolls.
Any chance you can add a version where the scrollbars have the same red color as your other work: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/MurrinaGranite?content=67510
sure, here it is http://up.allucinator.pl/uploads/MurrinaClean2.tar.gz
Nice and clean mate! Rated gud!
Please can you upload the version 1.4 again, because i don't like the hightlight in the 1.5, it's look like green and gray. Thx u
Green? Strange because I've changed only one line, with scrollbars.
Do you have version 1.0 or 1.1 left? I liked them better to GTK. When the menu where white instead of dark grey.
Yes i have got backups, in 30 mins I will add second link here, i must find it first :)
thank you! :)
No problem, I'm not sure which version it is so let me know about bugs or something.
Very good style, love simple themes What metacity theme are you using??
I'm using emerald so it's modified Dyne theme.
I like your theme, it's so simple and stylish. What is the name of the icon set that you use? Thanks
icons: nouveXT2.2 And thx for opinion. I'm glad that you like it. My priority was to make simple and stylish theme in murrina engine.
The theme looks nice, but for me all Murrine (0.52-1.fc7) themes have very light gray font and the screen is difficult to read... ?
I don't know what colors are in other themes, but you are right. Light gray is used here. Probably I will change it with next update. Also I have to change few other things with colors.
I like this. Usually I don't like dark themes, or really simple ones, but this one looks pretty good. Nicely done.
It looks very nice - smooth and elegant. Thumbs up!