Nodoka GTK+ Engine
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
The engine comes with a gtk+ theme, and I've linked to the metacity and GNOME metatheme it's supposed to be a part of, as well as an alternative GTK theme I put together. (see the second screenshot)
I've built a package for Ubuntu 7.10 x86 and Fedora 8 x86.
Users installing from a package should be aware that after it's installed any gtk apps running may become ugly. Restarting them seems to fix it.
I've tentatively put together a Gentoo ebuild for all arches, based on one by Nareshov for AMD64. I don't have any installations of Gentoo on hand, so I can't test it.
You can find (now outdated) packages at http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/gtk2-engines-nodoka+%5BRPMs%2BDebs%5D?content=64606
for the following distros/architectures:
Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) x86
Mandriva 2006/2007 x86
SuSE 10.2 x86, x86_64
SuSE 10.1 x86
Fedora 7 x86, x86_64
Fedora Core 6, x86, x86_64
Debian Etch 4.0 x86
In addition, if none of the above options will work for you, you can get the source below or at the homepage (linked to above). The homepage contains instructions for checking out from git.
For people who would like to play with their gtkrc's, here are some options that the readme claims Nodoka supports:
* animation = TRUE, FALSE # FALSE = disabled, TRUE = enabled
* bullet_color = six-digit hex value # set custom bullet color (for check and radio buttons)
* contrast = 1.0 # double value, sets the contrast on borders
* gradients = TRUE, FALSE # use gradients
* hilight_ratio = 0.909090909 # currently has no effect, will probably go away in a future release
* listviewheaderstyle = 0, 1, 2 # 0 = flat, 1 = gradient, 2 = raised
* listviewstyle = 0, 1 # 0 = nothing, 1 = dotted
* menubarstyle = 0, 1, 2, 3 # 0 = flat, 1 = normal raised gradient, 2 = normal lowered gradient, 3 = menubar gradient
* toolbarstyle = 0, 1, 2, 3 # 0 = flat, 1 = normal raised gradient, 2 = normal lowered gradient, 3 = menubar gradient
* roundness = 0, 1, 2, 3... # set the roundness of widgets
* scrollbar_color = six-digit hex value # set custom scrollbar color
* scrollbarstyle = 0, 1, 2 # 0 = no handles, 1 = circles, 2 = bars
* stripes = TRUE, FALSE # use stripes in progressbars
* focus_inner = TRUE, FALSE # TRUE = secondary focus ring inside, FALSE = secondary focus ring outside widgets
* focus_fill = TRUE, FALSE # enable or disable focus overlay fill
I'm not connected to the development of this engine. Suggestions should be directed at the developers.
* Rendering fixes for Entry related widgets
* Fix Progress Bar issue
* Fix and improve frames and tabs rendering
* Update Nodoka-Alternative theme
* Major improvements to new focus representation
* Add two configuration options for focus ring design
3 January:
* Uploaded Fedora 8 RPM (0.7 Alpha 2):
From the official changelog:
* Redesign ProgressBar
* Rework SpinButton
* Bullet color set in engine options
* Add new option to menubarstyle
* Support gradients in toolbars
* OO.o bug should be fixed
From the official changelog:
* CheckButton and RadioButton dot color set in gtkrc
* Finalize Scrollbar design
28 December, 2007:
From the git changelog:
* Rework tabs
* Rework focus representation
* Remove separator from optionmenu
* Gecko workaround for scrollbars now in engine
19 December, 2007:
From the git changelog:
* First try on scrollbars redesign
* Fixed checkbox positioning issue in firefox
From Martin Sourada's announcement:
I've just released first official beta version of Nodoka theme. If there
will not be found any rendering issues this is how the final version
included in Fedora 8 will look like.
Changes in this version are:
1. Added inconsistent state to radio and check buttons
2. Fixed gtk tooltip colour with new gtk
3. Added resize grips other than south-east
4. Fixed all compiler warnings
5. Whole code was run through indent
6. Added make dist, distclean and maintainer-clean rules to Makefiles.
Original announcement can be found here:
Ratings & Comments
how do you build the latest Nodoka from git?
Hey there, I followed the instructions and was able to compile it. I even downloaded the nodoka gtk theme and copied it to a ~/.themes directory And I have a .gtkrc-2.0 file with the following lines: gtk-theme-name = "Nodoka" But I can't get it too work. I don't use GNOME environment but I use GTK apps. Other themes work. Any ideas? Thanks, Amit
wish the openoffice problem can be solved soon.
Try it now, it should be fixed.
Works fine. Thanks much.
thank you~~~~~~~~~~~~~ it works great!!!
You ought to thank the developers; I just filed a bug.
Theme is beautiful, and works beautifully, but crashes all OpneOffice programs when starting/opening. Is anyone else having this problem? Is there a solution?
Just wanted to add that I am running it on Ubuntu, having installed it with the supplied/downloaded ".deb".
I'm having the same problem, just encountered it. I'm looking into it right now.
The link for "Nodoka Metacity/GNOME Metatheme" gives an error of no such project.
Anyone know if it's possible to explicitly set the active radio button colour? Rather than bg[selected] or base[selected], whichever it's defaulting to at the moment.
Where can I get it? The lack of a dark theme with this engine seems silly.
I threw it together for that screenshot and subsequently deleted it because I wasn't a big fan of it. Since you're interested, I put together a theme that looks similar to the one in the screenshot: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=66332
Quote:hilight_ratio = 0.909090909 #currently has no effect, will probably go away in future release
it has an effect: it makes your theme 100% flat (works with murrine, too), you can see the biggest difference in the fileselection-dialog
I'm not seeing any difference when I play with that option.
Is this theme being developed as Fedora's default look?
The last Rawhide changelog I read (from August 11) said that it was currently enabled as the default, and I'm pretty certain that they're aiming for default inclusion in F8. This should also likely make it (unlike the failure that was echo) because they have someone really actively developing it.
same dependency - lib6 or wahtever not installed. no rpoblem compiling from source. may i recommended that you set your scrollbar color to be the same as your progrossbar? like the clearlooks-gummy look. alll-in-al though, a great engine! way to go!
"same dependency - lib6 or wahtever not installed. no rpoblem compiling from source." Are you running Gutsy? If so, then maybe I didn't package it properly. If not, then you need the package Chrispy built. Or compiling from source works.
I've got some questions: I built engine with --prefix=/usr --enable-animation --enable-macmenu --enable-animationtoleft a) How do I enable the Macmenu? or is there more to do? b) How do I enable the animationtoleft option? or do I have to rebuild without --enable-animation and only with --enable-animationtoleft? c) How do I Change the scrollbarcolor? colorize_scrollbar = TRUE does not work ... d) How do I change the checkbutton color? Thanks
"I built engine with --prefix=/usr --enable-animation --enable-macmenu --enable-animationtoleft a) How do I enable the Macmenu? or is there more to do?" To the best of my knowledge, macmenu is currently a GTK+ patch. The last I ever heard of it was here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=241868 "c) How do I Change the scrollbarcolor? colorize_scrollbar = TRUE does not work ..." That option seems broken in .5.3.1. The readme defines the custom scrollbar color option as: scrollbar_color = six-digit hex value by the way. It's also broken. "d) How do I change the checkbutton color?" You can't, afaik.
URL for a website, wiki, something?
"URL for a website, wiki, something?" At the top of the page, over the download count. Where it says Homepage. It's currently pretty spartan, but it's something.