golden version of my slickness theme, here
it is (it is very first release and may not
look so good yet)
tell me what you like and what you don't like
and I will try to fix those things

To install:
Extract the tarball to a folder
then drag the SlicknesS(golden).tar.gz file
over the theme manager, That's it.
fix the firefox font problem:
Put the userChrome.css file to
(xxxxxxxx stands for random letters and numbers) and restart firefox.
Ratings & Comments
You did a good job, I really really like, but I would like to know how I can change my window. Thanks
I've been looking for a theme which works across all the applications I use. Looks like this one is it. Great and classy work!!
I like it (lots) but, how do I change my window border too? Using fedora xfce.. Doesn't seem to be available in window manager settings... which is where you change window border styles. Thanks! :) sweet.
do i need emerald to add the window border style to this? i'd rather not use emerald to manage my windows trying to keep my system light and fast! thanks ;) let me know if there's somewhere i can copy (and what to copy) to so it will show up in my xfce window manager settings under 'style' tab. thanks!
sweet theme man. some real bling for linux.
love this gold theme realy nice mix of gold and black...... very elegant smooth theme would you consider making a dark theme ? possibly carrying the glossy contours of the window manager and the menu pixmaps? to incorporate this elegantly across the widgets and objects the theme could have a very interesting and inspiring visual experience...... and maybe an emerald theme? all in all, full kudos tho that man !
I've modified Puli's Smoke emerald theme to match (at least in my oppinion) Slickness Golden GTK theme. Search for "Vislickness Golden". Tell me your oppinion, then.
This is an excellent theme! Will you consider making a version with the checkbox mark as a tick (check) mark instead of a cross (x)?
Thanks! I have actually not developed this theme in a while, I wasn't planning on it... but feel free to modify the theme as you please yourself! Thanks for your interest in my work! //Robert
its a darn nice theme, love these colors, btw what wall is that your using? Kind Regards MikeDK really love your themes btw :-)
Thanks man! wallpaper: Glad you like it! //Robert
thanks guys! the icon theme is I can make the progressbar green to next release :) However I don't really understand what mean is too wide? -the combobox button? //Robert
What is the icon theme ? It's an amazing theme. But I don't like the drop-down button - the width is toooooo large. You can try green color in the progress bars.
Woohoo, very nice. You did it :D Downloading now, will suggest after using it. Thanks.
This is as nice as the black one is. How about trying other colors as well?
Thank you! And thanks for suggesting other colors :) I might do that when I have the time. I am now working on a really dark version of the theme (and trying to improve this one) If you find something that looks out of place let me know :) //Robert
I like it very much ;) But where can I find your metacity/compiz or emerald theme? Thanks, go on!!
Thank you very much :) The metacity is located in the same package Just select SlicknesS(golden) in theme manager in window borders selection :) //Robert