Description: Elegant Cold Blue is a mod of Elegant Brit by fmrbpensador (AKA What is in a name?) who I thank a lot for all his awesome work. This mod had a bit darker background color and all orange turned to a cold blue. Comments and (constructive) critics are welcome.Last changelog:
1.0 initial release. 1.0.1 added a link to the emerald theme
I guess you meant right bottom.
Here you go :
(you'll have to rename it to .conkyrc)
You'll need these font for the icons :
No, you may need to change the interface name, I use a if to have display of eth0 or eth1, but your interfaces may not have the same names (wlan0, ...)
I love what you done. Elegant Brit is one of my best themes, and your modification too. But I really would like to see it in a very black version, because it doesn't kill eyes and it's beautiful. It is possible, please ?
(With a globalmenu version)
Ratings & Comments
can you share that conky script at left bottom? Great work!
I guess you meant right bottom. Here you go : (you'll have to rename it to .conkyrc) You'll need these font for the icons :
thank you! :)
btw, my upload and download stat is not showing, do I need any package to make them work?
No, you may need to change the interface name, I use a if to have display of eth0 or eth1, but your interfaces may not have the same names (wlan0, ...)
Yeah I noticed that, thx anyway! :)
Hello, I love what you done. Elegant Brit is one of my best themes, and your modification too. But I really would like to see it in a very black version, because it doesn't kill eyes and it's beautiful. It is possible, please ? (With a globalmenu version)
I'm working on a dark version, and hope that I can release it soon.
Thank you very much. With your themes, I'm sure that your future one will be at least as beautiful as this. Good bye !
Very good, the clock on the dektop is nice too, what is it?
thanks :) It's a screenlet : circleclock.