Absolutely Tango
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
1.5 - fixed engine code
1.4 - Fixed scrollbar bug
1.3 - Fixed prelight bug
1.2 Changed scrollbar style
1.1 Changed buttons size
1.0 Public Release
Ratings & Comments
just perfect. you don't have plans for perhaps a lighter shade, do you...hint hint. ;-)
The size of scrollbar is too small, I don't know it's a bug or a intentinonal feature, but it is really too small to click or grab it, anyway thank you for your excellent work. I really like its elegant color BTW, I don't have problem with OpenOffice in ArchLinux.
You shouldn't have problems anymore, with oo of course. And about scrollbar size, yes it's my intention. I don't like big scrolls ;) However if it's too small for you then you can change it in gtkrc file.
Change the handler size to any size except Zero on the gtkrc file. That should solve the problem with OpenOffice. It did for me.
handler size is set to 6 so i don't get it. Maybe you meant stepper size?
This is by far my favorite theme. Kudos on your design. The one bug I have discovered is that (on Ubuntu 7.04) it causes OpenOffice to either crash or hang with high CPU usage (on Xorg). Any suggestions? Thanks much!
I really love this theme. But Open Office keep crashing with this theme enabled. I also tried to install the newest version of Open Office (2.3) on Ubuntu 7.04, same problem. I keep using the theme, since it's so great, and do a theme change when I need OOffice. But it would be nice if we could track down the error. Maybe it's in the murrina engine.
What panel is that on the bottom of your desktop ?
xfce panel
and what panel on the top? i really like it, but i have no idea of its name.
on top it's conky
And how do I get the top panel? How does it work? Thanks!!
it is conky.
no problem man, my post was just a hint, you can leave it that way if you can't do that, or you like it like this. :D
here it is http://www.ipernity.com/doc/21400/795966 (just see the right corner on the top ) hope you will fix it...anyway it's my favorite theme. ;D
I'll try but so far i have no clue where should i start :)
could you please post your .conkyrc file? Thanks
sure http://wklej.org/id/683ceee6b4
i like this theme a lot, anyway I wanted you to know that some applets in the sys tray may look ugly (with another color background)...many people fixed this issue in other themes so far, I hope you will do that. (I am using xfce) Andrea
Can you show me a screen shot? Anyway i'll check that :)
Can you share your wallpaper?
sure http://www.up.allucinator.pl/uploads/1191110302.jpg
Very nice! Could you provide more info about your other settings please? (icons, fonts, etc.,) Thanks
Icons: nouveXT 2.2 Font: DejaVu Sans 7
I love the color selection. Being as that's mostly what differentiates Murrina-based themes, yours is especially nice. My only comment is I prefer a solid color on the menu selection item, rather than the striped. It just makes it easier to read. I'd keep the striped details to the progress bars and scrollbars, where there's no text that needs to flow with the control.