I hope you like it.

Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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© 2025 /s/Cinnamon - Eyecandy for your Cinnamon Desktop
All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
You just go on with your good work! +1 I know what you feel when someone votes bad your work only that to make a bad action (especially with no reason to do it);there is a lot of work when making a theme, or just a wallpaper only...or a widget, or anything else here...|-( FOR THOSE WHO VOTE BAD: try to understand the effort, first and if consider to vote bad, you should leave some impressions, or feedback, or better some crytics than vote bad...the registered users who post their works, can easily delete their own work, and even can change the site to post to...just THINK first...:D
I think you have created a great theme and I specially like this new idea behind infocus tabs. What I don't like about the theme however is the small Icons in the menu. It would be great if you provided the normal-sized icon variant. Great work!
Another great one from u man! Rated gud! may be ppl have grown tired of aqua themes suddenly! nevertheless there will be ppl who will vote down stuff just like that! so don't worry mate! Sieht gut aus!
Thank you! ^.^
To everybody who voted this theme down: Please give me a hint why you are voting down. I would really like to know, because I could improve it... :)