Note: Packaged this one in 7-zip to reduce the filesize a lot. Install 7-zip support with your package manager. Fileroller should be able to open it after that is done.
How to use the start-here.png icon:
Put it in your current icon theme's Places folder and backup+remove any icons that are named start-here.svg/png. Your icon theme should be located in /home/username/.icons/.
If you're using an OS default icon theme you may need to open the gconf-editor and select to use a custom application icon in the applications-menu.
After all this - Terminal > killall gnome-panel to refresh the panels.
I wondered too... you could easily make a tar.bz2 or tar.gz, so that users could install it directly without any need to decompress it just for installing.
Ratings & Comments
wonderful bright individual theme
Voted down. There is no need to use obscure formats.
I wondered too... you could easily make a tar.bz2 or tar.gz, so that users could install it directly without any need to decompress it just for installing.
Some very nice ideas, but ultimately too cold... the option of being able to choose one's own colors would be an improvement.
Realy nice theme! Congratulations!