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Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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GTK2 Theme imitating MacOS X Leopard's Aqua UI. Last changelog:
Derivation from this: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/iRoll?content=91027
Source buttons no more available.
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url

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version 1.4
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 3
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Ratings & Comments
Awesome theme! Which engine should I install to use this theme? Thank you.
Thanks, you're welcome :) The theme use Pixbuf engine and some settings using Mist engine; should be installed by default in Gnome Desktop Environment.
Alright, I've applied and used this theme for a few hours now, and am now ready to give suggestions: 1. I think there are a few components that seem slightly mismatched with the entire UI concept, primarily the status bar. The one on the real Mac OS seems to fit better with the entire UI theme. Look here, for example: http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/finder.html 2. Like all other Mac-style GTK themes, there are Mint applications that are left unskinned, such as Mint Update and Synaptic. I hope you could sort that one out. Again, it's a very nice theme overall and to the most part, I prefer this one over Mac4Lin. Keep up the good work! :-)
hi Chase :) thx for feedbacks... first of all excuse me for my english, but I hope I'll be enough clear to make me understand. The statusbar surely is better as in MacOS, but unfortunately some gtk app. doesn't load properly the gtkrc source... or in some cases it doesn't read at all... I can't do a thing for that, I'm not a programmer; I can make some tries to find the right gtk2 strings incriminate for this.To have the admin apps. themed you just copy the theme you like in /usr/share/themes :: as user root, or sudoer, then load it, that should be the way to make them read the gtkrc. Linux being a free OS, anyone can contribute to improve, to make better programs for it, but not all programmers are themers... some errors may comes up; neither the themers aren't programmers too. Have a good week ;) and thanks for your time spent for impressions, bye
I haven't actually taken it for a spin. Just wanna say: Very nice theme! Great job. Perhaps I'll post some suggetions once I've applied this theme.
thx:)waiting for suggestions.
Once again, great job! Can you: 1) Provide translucent bar, or white aqua, or grey-metal bar for the gnome bar....instead of plan white?? - would greatly help. thanks
thanks :) will be in next version.
I have to say again, GOOD JOB nice work.
respect foryoutoo:) thankyou verymuch;)