-added index file
-no longer uses svg engine. All images are now png instead of svg, eliminating several issues.
-new menu, menuline, menuitem, lines, and notebook and tabs for all sides.
-added insensitive scrollbar arrows
-fixed notebook, progressbar, ruler, slider and slider trough issues, and probably things I have not noticed. Maybe new problems too. Let me know.
-black line on Metacity buttons more visible.
-Fixed tooltips.
-Fixed Gimp Ruler. Thanks SkiesOfAzel!
Ratings & Comments
So let us know the 'fix" for Gimp ruler! I have fought with this on many a theme! PLEASE ! BTW Love your theme! A great & bright Theme, I really think this can have MANY variations! and "built to suit" great one indeed !KUDOS!
Glad you love the theme! Gimp Ruler fix is widget "*GimpRuler" style "ruler" Imagine that! LOL
Sorry to be a pain, is that in the gtk index? and if not in the index where would it be placed!?where would one add the line!?
No problem. It goes in the gtkrc. If you already have a style for 'ruler', either put it after the style and before the following style or put it at the very bottom of the gtkrc. Does that help? style "ruler" = "default" { engine "pixmap" { image { function = BOX detail = "vruler" file = "ruler.png" border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 } stretch = TRUE } image { function = BOX detail = "hruler" file = "ruler.png" border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 } stretch = TRUE } } } class "GtkRuler" style "ruler" widget "*GimpRuler" style "ruler"
maybe a few color variants?
Thanks! I don't have time for color variants. Just noticed a lot of my stuff had issues after years of gtk updates/changes and wanted to update things as I found the time.
Really a cool and sweet theme. Easy to work with. Could you convert Gnome windows into xfwm (the window format structure for XFCE)?? Nice work!! Thanks for posting here!!
Thanks! I'm not interested in xfwm/xfce, but if someone wants to port, great! It's gpl.
can't get the rulers in gimp to display clearly. If anyone experiences this and has a clue how to fix it, I'd appreciate letting me know. I've tried several things, from different images to no image.
I like it very much, thanks for sharing ;)
Thanks! You are welcome! Enjoy!
Is a great job, but I can't see some widgets like buttons, tabs, etc. I copied to .themes folder, the gnome manager do not detect, but generate a index.theme, I edit them but I can't see all widgets. What I'm doing wrong??? Sorry for my bad english
I will make another package tonight when I get home with an index file and we'll see if that helps.
what a great theme! keep up the good work! i love the sleekness and the originality.
i like this theme. and i agree with a previous poster about thinking outside of the box. its original, and originality counts for a lot IMO. great work, bvc!
Yes a unique looking theme but the blue menu border is a total washout... it ends up making the entire theme lame. Sadly if not for that this theme would have been really awesome.
hmmm...menu border makes entire theme lame....interesting concept :D
Yes, it's very unique but without an index file for the theme it is quite uncomfortable to install.
could you explain further? That's not a requirement for gtk/metacity themes, and if you are referring to gtk2.12 or higher I believe it should automatically be created for back compat. I will boot over to my latest gtk to see but I haven't had any problems.
I did copy the directories to "~/.themes". Then i tried to select the theme in the theme manager like every other theme but it isn't listed in the theme listbox. The only different to other themes seems to be the missing index file. Your theme Edge has the index file called "Edge" in the directory Edge, the base of the gtk-2.0 and metacity-1 folder, and i can select it in theme manager. Maybe a readme file would be helpfull if a theme could not be installed by click-selecting ;) in the theme manager. The gtk2-Engine is 2.10.1 on ubuntu 7.04 (feisty).
thx! I still haven't had the chance to boot over to my old feisty and check it out, but will. My feisty has been making the index files on its own, which is extremely annoying. Your problem sounds like a bug.
Very unique. Someone is thinking outside the box :)
thx! I try :D