Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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© 2025 /s/Cinnamon - Eyecandy for your Cinnamon Desktop
All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
Great work. I'm having a problem though - some icons don't appear, for example forward, back, up and reload in Nautilus. Any idea why?
I particularly love the stock icons. Excellent work - thanks!
just open a new account to thank you ! wonderfull icons !!! keep it up the good work... merci beaucoup, bye :)
The stock icons are wonderful. I'm using them with a different Milk theme, they look great. There definitely aren't enough good stock icons for GTK2 themes.
very nice and i like your icons to ;) but one thing... you cant tell if the button is pressed or not in some apps(fluxkeys, gmpc random and repeat buttons). http://www.zippyimages.com/19587.html to illustrate that.
OK, I'll look into this. Thanks for pointing that out :)
put (choose color) bg[ACTIVE] = "#A0A0A0" in style "button" like this style "button" { fg[PRELIGHT] = "#000000" bg[PRELIGHT] = "#ffffff" bg[ACTIVE] = "#A0A0A0" adding the following will stop the default gtk colors from showing in the options and checks. text[NORMAL] = "#000000" text[PRELIGHT] = "#c4c4c4" text[SELECTED] = "#ffffff" text[ACTIVE] = "#000000" I also added base[NORMAL] = "#ffffff" base[PRELIGHT] = "#717171"
Not that unique, just another white/grey theme. The lines are shamelessly copied from previous Mac or Mac-like themes. There are about a dozen themes that look like this, so you'll need more than lines to distinguish it from those other ones.
Myself, I prefer dark themes. Infact, I use a combination of Rmilk-Black metacity with Tenebrific gtk2 for my environment. When one uses a computer alot, and at all during the night, one appreciates dark themes. They really make a difference on the eyes.
Yes I agree on the dark theme it sure help the old eye when you spend a lot of time on the box.
>Not that unique, >just another white/grey theme. Yes, but how 'bout over 200 svg stock icons I've made for this theme? Is that not "unique" enough?
yes, it is enough. there are more people who love these themes than people who dislike them. look at your rating... it is climbing all the time. btw: thank you for this wonderful theme. :)
Here is a theme that just screams the "wow" factor. One of the best themes I have seen for a while.
Yes indeed very nice theme, thank you.
echo :D