-- BVC's "Alien" theme was used for modifications. Window decoration's code was compiled in 'Alien'. And toolbar icons from Alien theme of BVC. Thanx to good working of BVC .
You may wonder why is not exactly the same as the orginal one even though, this is neos theme port. The answer is simple: When you look at Gnome/Gtk as whole screen, some of the graphics looks disjointed. According to my personal taste i customized some of graphics.Last changelog:
*Version 2.4 ----------------------------
Retouched to big part of graphics:
-Neos Improved Series Has been added. > Improved Blue Gtk style 24x and 48x (sized panel presets), Neos 1 Style Win decoration , Neos 2 Win decoration has been added. > Improved Lime Gtk style 24x and 48x (sized panel presets), Neos 1 Style Win decoration , Neos 2 Win decoration has been added. > Improved White Gtk styles 24x and 48x (sized panel presets), Neos 1 Style Win decoration , Neos 2 Win decoration
* 'Please use 24x or 48x size panel'. And choose to 24x or 48x Gtk Style preset depend on your using size panel. Dont use to any Panel Background texture. Gtk styles includes to default looking textures. On the next versions will be add other sizes (32,64,76...) presets.
* Improved style is indepent version of orginal Neos. Improved styles includes Gradient Graphics: Gradient Notebook border, Small sized 4 color menubackground, imrpoved tab styles etc... (in my opinion it looks very good).
- Improved to Orginal Neos port's graphics. But it hasn't gradient Notebook borders.
> Neos 1 and Neos 2 Window Decoration problems has been resolved and improved it's graphics.From now not need to Gnome Configurator Os X like window decoration settings. Because windows buttons and titles positions changed to right side. So, dont use to Os X like windows placement with Gnome Configurator!
- Some of gtk-stock and toolbars icons has been added. Blue, Lime and White style...
* It may seems no different between improved theme and original theme. One of the reasons of this Original Neos theme is also taken, almost every property of the improved has not only gradient notebook borders. Actually improved versions are consisting of my personal edition. And these are the sets that will be effected by the changes in the future. Original neos wouldnt be effected by these developments. Actually there is detailed worked in Gtk Graphics and window decoration graphics. For understand about difference you can download it.
* 3 screenshots has been added. > First screenshot is blue. > Second screenshot is lime. > Third screenshot is white.
* If anybody want to make toolbar icons and some of similar things (wallpaper etc..), please contact me. I have no ability for making of icon. And if anybody want to make some bug fix working, please do it and send me Bütün Neos severler memnun kalacaktır bundan. Because i dont find to way of fixing of some
* Neos Firefox skin. But i guess it's not compatible. When i'm using this skin my computer is halted. If anybody resolve this problem please do comment.
* I'm looking for the good fonts of this theme. If anybody found it, please comment.
* My domain has some problems. Because of this file format is zip on the server. If the link is broken, comment it. Enjoy it.
using gtk+2 version 2.18.1 and gtk-engines2 2.18.4 (even though it's only pixmap and svg) does not work. I also have librsvg 2.2.26 installed.
I get no buttons, and if i have it active the gnome appearance settings crash when i try to open them.
Any ideas?
can u upload the files in tar.gz please?? or tell how to pass .zip to tar.gz. I unzip the .zip file & then I compress the file in tar.gz but it didnt work eather...
I used it for very long time, when I use a theme I want to see a clear difference with WinfOlkS interface
But I'm just tired of very dark themes.
NOTE: Please fix that annoying ZIP file would be better like standard tar.bz2 ¿Uh?
I found a little bug in 2 lines from NeOs files. If you are experimenting anoying message lines like me, go to Neosipo folder and do this:
1-) The "trough-range-h.png" image must be corrected into "gtkrc" file.
>>> In line 920 it appears to be:
border = { 20, 20, 20, 20 }
>>> Change it for:
border = { 20, 20, 31, 18 }
(Note: gtkrc from Neosipo files nor ~/.gtkrc-2.0)
2-) In file "combo.rc", line 91 >>> change "line-h.svg" to "line-h.png"
It appears to make gtk2 engines to recognize that pixmap.
(Note: If you are too newbie to understad this or I speak so fuzzy: Please, don't be [...] some quotes are only for explanations, don`t touch that)
Go well and GOOOOOD THEME ++
Really cool theme.
It goes very well with my laptop's colors.
Just one question: I really like the font you use in the screenshots. Which font is it?
How do I get it?
I use Ubuntu, is it in the repos?
Very thanx. Panel/Toolbar is default Gnome's panel/toolbar. Panel/toolbar styles already has been included to Neos theme presets. I'm using to panel/toolbar without show hides buttons option. just this is..
I don't know how I have to install that theme. When I unzip the file appears a lot of folders and I don't know wich one and how I have to install the blue one.
Ratings & Comments
The theme does not look the same as in the pics, so i guess i miss an what gtk engine should be installed? thx
using gtk+2 version 2.18.1 and gtk-engines2 2.18.4 (even though it's only pixmap and svg) does not work. I also have librsvg 2.2.26 installed. I get no buttons, and if i have it active the gnome appearance settings crash when i try to open them. Any ideas?
hey kinda looks like the shapeshifter theme for os x even if it's not suposed to look like it this theme is very nice thank you :)
link is broken, give us the other one
cool! but it doesn't work well in ubuntu-feisty,it has not the mark, pls fix it. Thx!
can u upload the files in tar.gz please?? or tell how to pass .zip to tar.gz. I unzip the .zip file & then I compress the file in tar.gz but it didnt work eather... thanks...
The theme is just crashing on Gnome 2.16 WARNING: Dont use this if you dont want a GNOME Session broken.
Not 1 link works on this page!!
sorry .... but im a noob and dont know how to install this theme. I unzipped the zip file but after that i have no idea what to do.
this is the best theme i ever used for gnome and very good looking. thx
Anybody can optimize theme for gnome 2.16.1?
First link gives 404 Not Found Second Link goes to guistyles website, and if you click to search for Neos, it doesn't exist!?
I was searching for BVC's Alien icons but i finish with nothing. If you manualy edited the icon set, please if you have some time send them to me.
I used it for very long time, when I use a theme I want to see a clear difference with WinfOlkS interface But I'm just tired of very dark themes. NOTE: Please fix that annoying ZIP file would be better like standard tar.bz2 ¿Uh?
А как ее устанавливать? Копирование распакованной папки в ~/themes ничего, ровным счетом, не дает. Она потом не появляется.
I found a little bug in 2 lines from NeOs files. If you are experimenting anoying message lines like me, go to Neosipo folder and do this: 1-) The "trough-range-h.png" image must be corrected into "gtkrc" file. >>> In line 920 it appears to be: border = { 20, 20, 20, 20 } >>> Change it for: border = { 20, 20, 31, 18 } (Note: gtkrc from Neosipo files nor ~/.gtkrc-2.0) 2-) In file "combo.rc", line 91 >>> change "line-h.svg" to "line-h.png" It appears to make gtk2 engines to recognize that pixmap. (Note: If you are too newbie to understad this or I speak so fuzzy: Please, don't be [...] some quotes are only for explanations, don`t touch that) Go well and GOOOOOD THEME ++
Cool theme! It matches perfectly my laptop's colors. Which font you use in the screenshots? Where did you get it?
Really cool theme. It goes very well with my laptop's colors. Just one question: I really like the font you use in the screenshots. Which font is it? How do I get it? I use Ubuntu, is it in the repos?
great theme thxs! btw .. how do you get a toolbar like you have in your screenshots? I'm using the latest Gnome on Ubuntu.. thxs again -MD
Very thanx. Panel/Toolbar is default Gnome's panel/toolbar. Panel/toolbar styles already has been included to Neos theme presets. I'm using to panel/toolbar without show hides buttons option. just this is..
I don't know how I have to install that theme. When I unzip the file appears a lot of folders and I don't know wich one and how I have to install the blue one.
copy to extracted folders to your /home/yournaccountname/.themes directory.