Description: This is "MurrinaLoveGray", the murrina I made for celebrating Murrine 0.10 release. Obviusly it needs Murrine GTK2 Cairo Engine. It includes the Compiz theme you see in the screenshot.
that looks a bit like this apple-brushed style ;) nice work, maybe you can add some color, i think a saturated blue wold be nice.
one thing: where can i get that background?
I was just going to make the same comment. I love the style, it really looks great. I just don't like grey and especially nog the darker grey. It's not like it's bad or something, it's just a matter of personal taste. Again, 0.10 looks wonderful.
Ratings & Comments
oops.. sorry. I found this :)
Hey, it's very beautiful. Where I can download this wallpaper?
Hello, great theme but i'd like to know how you put the cover on the desktop, thanks
the player is quodlibet, and the cover is just placed by dragging it on the desktop
Dont even have the Vista looking buttons plese
please! :D
found somewhere on deviantart... continue the browse from the beginning...
that was lovely on dialup.... I went through all pages and didn't find it LOL if someone does, please post the link
Thanks Cimi... This is my desktop:
I like the gtk theme, but I would like a lighter compiz theme... What icon theme do you use? Thanks!
that looks a bit like this apple-brushed style ;) nice work, maybe you can add some color, i think a saturated blue wold be nice. one thing: where can i get that background? greetings
This is great! I still think that it looks a little to dark. That's why I'd rather use MurrinaGray.
Could you tell me which icon's theme is?? Thanks, Sergej
I don't like that color scheme, but style is ok.
Too dark?? Too gray? Suggestions are always welcome.
I was just going to make the same comment. I love the style, it really looks great. I just don't like grey and especially nog the darker grey. It's not like it's bad or something, it's just a matter of personal taste. Again, 0.10 looks wonderful.