Cold Plastic
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
0.2 - Progressbars text fixed
0.1 - First release
More GTK2 Themes from unforgivenII:
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© 2025 /s/Cinnamon - Eyecandy for your Cinnamon Desktop
All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
Your theme is awesome, i'm using it right now, thank you very much;)
So you're no fan of the Swedish rock band Kent, then?
nope, I dont know that band ;)
: )
It's ok I have updated my murrine engine, and now, It's really great !!! Thanks a lot for this beautifull theme ! ;)
It's really great ! Very nice Theme on the screen but I have a really bad theme on my computer... : :( Why ?
Hey, just woundering how u chance the progres icon/animation in nautilus, saw yours where diff from the standart one...
What icon theme you are using?
Where can I get the metacity theme (or beryl ;)) you're using? And: could you please mail me the wallpaper ([(AT)] [(AT)])=@ ;)
It's a metacity that u can find here
Link doesn't work. What name is matacity?
What is the font you are using ? I like it :)
Bitstream Vera Sans 7
How to change top panel font? Thanks
I think the progress bar text color should be fixed. see screenshot
Fixed :D Thanks for notice me ;)
Very nice theme. Where can i get the wallpaper you're using in the screenshot ?
don't remember where I found it, give me the mail
nice theme, could you release the white ubuntu distributor logo or tell us how you got the gnome panel the way it is.. thanks and good work
I can't because it's not mine, sorry
Nice theme! What icon theme are you using? It looks smooth like rubber plastic.
Its an icon theme that roberTO sended me a while ago and I can't release. Try to ask him if he's gonna release it ;)
there's probably no way he can. The icons in that set are drawn by David Lanham [] and published on and apple's goodies page. I started making a theme using those icons, but never quite finished... great gtk theme, by the way.
there's probably no way he can. The icons in that set are drawn by David Lanham [] and published on and apple's goodies page. I started making a theme using those icons, but never quite finished... great gtk theme, by the way.