Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
What wallpaper and icons are you using?
that looks nice? but it doesn't work on my compy? What version of gtk are you using o.0 and how did you get transparency on your panel?
the Gtk version is 2.6.8 i think (I use a snapshot of Debian Etch of february). Maybe you have an older version of the Murrine Gtk engine, this theme uses gradients, that feature was added in Murrine 0.50. The transparecy effect is from Beryl.
Yea! To coffee and classical music, they go together so well. Sorry, but just gotta say I have a beef with all the "Best Of ..." sets. I mean, who's to say this is the Best of Beethoven? Was it Beethoven's personal favorites? Or maybe just a way for them to sell CDs. Seriously, though, I like the theme. And for the Beethoven -- try Menuhin's recording or possibly Heifetz (don't know if he recorded it or not, but I presume he did). The full Violin Concerto is very inspiring.
I agree, however this one was downloaded by my brother, and I don't have internet at home :(. I'll try to find those recordings you say
I didn't make a Metacity theme (if that was your question), only an emerald theme.