2 GTK2 Themes (Gold and Gray)
4 Metacity Themes
License= See the included COPYING file
A lot, or most, of images in this theme are modified from Enlightenment source.
Other images were either created by me from sctratch or are portions taken from the original
Enlightenment source images then modified.
Thank you Carsten Haitzler (rasterman) and all the other E developers for years
of E_njoyment

Ratings & Comments
I'm all over this like a rash :)
brings back memories and this is just too awsome to avoid! THANK! Big Thanks!
ohh I forgot to mention. the first time I installed it, I took it down because I thought it was ugly. I was not aware of an aurora engine until recently. You should post a link to the engine and make sure people are aware it is needed to make the stuff work.
How to install this with no access to Gnome? I copied the E17/gtk2.0 folder to /usr/share/themes but only the color changed when trying to change theme in both gtk-theme-switch and gtk-chtheme. Thanks for any help I can get, love this theme :)
do you have gtk2-engines-pixbuf package installed?
Ahh thanks, that did the trick :).
Well this is close as I can get to E for now.. I installed it, and still have it available to use.. tis very pretty just lacks the option to view my wifi connections..in network manager, it seems the best functioning wifi manager Thanks bvc
Download broken
hmmm...worked for me re-uploaded
Much better now :) Great work!