Hemoglobinus 1.3
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Ratings & Comments
Hi! how did you install the cpu meter, ram meter, network meter, etc... Sorry for my bad English
Ok I response myself Solved!
where i can download those icons??
http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/ALLBLACK?content=70630 ;)
please share thunar icon you used.. that awesome ...thx
allblack ;) http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/ALLBLACK?content=70630
I mean The Tunar's and Musica's icon at the right side on your desktop ... Is That from ALLBLACK icon set? I didn't found in ALLBLACK... Thx
It was a lot of time ago, I do not remember well, but they are GAIA http://customize.org/icons http://www.google.cl/search?hl=es&source=hp&q=gaia+icons&btnG=Buscar+con+Google&meta=&aq=f&oq=
thx a lot...superb !!! :D
How did you removed icon reflection on awn??
yab http://adesklets.sourceforge.net/desklets.html
Hola esta muy bueno el tema, pero tengo una duda: ¿Que motor nececito para que funcione, me dice que el motor GTK+ necesario no esta instalado? o_Ó
Es solo un "workaround" para un bug. No le de caso. Va a funcionar sin problemas. Se puede corregir si se pone 'style "unstyle" engine= "pixmap"' o algo parecido. Pero puede causar instabilidad. Perdon por mi mal espanol.
This is good one. Bravo! The Tunar icon us very sexy.
Is there a Gaia icons pack related to Gaia theme? Just a question... http://customize.org/icons/52122/view/48797
Gaia is a global proyect http://gaia.customize.org ;)
Hi, really beautiful theme. I like the panel:) But, I think the widgets need some improvements. It's "difficult" to see them, while on such a white background. Thanks!
which is the icon theme u used?
Icons: AllBlack http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/ALLBLACK?content=70630 Square Dock (modified) http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/SQUARE+DOCK?content=73299
thank you! beautiful!
is that conky on the left side?
Yes is Conky ;)
nice :O can you pls post your conkyrc? and how do you make that symbols?
http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/new+vision+of+conky?content=70929 http://debian.linux.pl/viewtopic.php?p=6370#6370 And here I have written a mini howto (included my conkyrc to download of mediafire) ;) http://foros.ubuntu-cl.org/viewtopic.php?t=4160
great, thx :)