Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This theme is aimed for people who just want a simple, fast and native interface with many color options. It's also designed with new linux users in mind, by providing simple, thorough instructions. A matching set of Wallpapers, GDM themes and Usplash screens can also be downloaded below.
There are four color variations (Orange, Blue, Green, Red) and TWO designs; light and dark. You can create even more color-schemes through GNOME's appearance preferences, using the included tango palette for color suggestions!
Important, must read or clowns will eat you:
This theme depends on the latest murrine engine SVN. I've compiled (Rev. 136, 01/23/09) MurrineSVN for Ubuntu Intrepid. You can get it by clicking on the correct package for your architecture:
i386: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?hidiztmmmye
AMD 64: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?g2axyi02gyo
- There is a legacy version for previous version of the Murrine engine (Ubuntu Hardy/Murrine
- Inside the gtkrc files there are extensive line-by-line instructions and tips for customizing most aspects of the theme!
- GNOME-Colors are set as the default icons for the themes. Be sure to download them to get the full experience!
- This theme uses gradient panel backgrounds by default. If you plan to use Transparent/Custom panels, please disable my panels by editing either the gtkrc or panel.rc files like the included instructions tell you to.
- My X-Colors metacity borders are not selected by default, due to their non-conservative nature. You can choose them in gnome's appearance preferences if you wish to use them.
- Some linux apps are not too friendly to dark themes yet. It's up to their developers to improve this. Keep this in mind when using any dark theme.
- If you want root/super user applications to be themed, you must type in a terminal:
sudo ln -s ~/.themes /root
-This theme is not compatible with Murrine SVN.
- Feel free to try Clearlooks-Colors or Nodoka-Colors for alternate takes on this theme.
If you must vote down, or if there is something you dislike, leave a comment so I can improve it! Last changelog:
There are four color variations (Orange, Blue, Green, Red) and TWO designs; light and dark. You can create even more color-schemes through GNOME's appearance preferences, using the included tango palette for color suggestions!
Important, must read or clowns will eat you:
This theme depends on the latest murrine engine SVN. I've compiled (Rev. 136, 01/23/09) MurrineSVN for Ubuntu Intrepid. You can get it by clicking on the correct package for your architecture:
i386: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?hidiztmmmye
AMD 64: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?g2axyi02gyo
- There is a legacy version for previous version of the Murrine engine (Ubuntu Hardy/Murrine
- Inside the gtkrc files there are extensive line-by-line instructions and tips for customizing most aspects of the theme!
- GNOME-Colors are set as the default icons for the themes. Be sure to download them to get the full experience!
- This theme uses gradient panel backgrounds by default. If you plan to use Transparent/Custom panels, please disable my panels by editing either the gtkrc or panel.rc files like the included instructions tell you to.
- My X-Colors metacity borders are not selected by default, due to their non-conservative nature. You can choose them in gnome's appearance preferences if you wish to use them.
- Some linux apps are not too friendly to dark themes yet. It's up to their developers to improve this. Keep this in mind when using any dark theme.
- If you want root/super user applications to be themed, you must type in a terminal:
sudo ln -s ~/.themes /root
-This theme is not compatible with Murrine SVN.
- Feel free to try Clearlooks-Colors or Nodoka-Colors for alternate takes on this theme.
If you must vote down, or if there is something you dislike, leave a comment so I can improve it!
3.0 + SVN:
-Made the SVN version the primary download.
3.0 (09/12/0:
-Minor improvements.
-Minor improvements to metacities/emeralds.
-Now based on Shiki-Colors' newer gtkrc, for better instructions and easier modifications.
-New "SVN" edition, designed for the upcoming Murrine SVN engine.
Ratings & Comments
Hi! Could you please change the file name of the download to a name without space? I'm using your theme as default in Zenwalk's murrine-engine package and the %20 is a problem in the buildscript. Greetings Thorsten
I removed the space in the filename now.
Hi! Please fix the themes for latest Murrine SVN version: /usr/share/themes/Murrine Wise/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:121: Murrine configuration option "lightborder_ratio" will be deprecated in future releases. Please use "lightborder_shade" instead. /usr/share/themes/Murrine Wise/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:123: Murrine configuration option "highlight_ratio" will be deprecated in future releases. Please use "highlight_shade" instead.
I've uploaded a new version compatible with the latest murrine engine revisions!
Sorry, but I see many errors with the latest svn revision #136 (highlight_shade, glow_shade, glowstyle, GtkTreeView::odd-row-color, progressbarstyle, lightborder_shade). Please fix it. Thanks !
Where are you seeing these errors? The names you mentioned are the correct ones for the new revision (shade instead of ratio). I've tested the themes and it doesn't output any errors.
Also, I'm sure that if it does not recognize (highlight_shade, glow_shade, glowstyle, progressbarstyle and lightborder_shade), you may not be running revision 136, as glow_shade, glowstyle are new options and the others were renamed from *_ratio into *_shade.
Excuse me, it's my mistake. All works
No problem.
Hi, great themes. it's really fun using it! :) Could you tell me how do I get rid of that brown color of the menus toolbars ? http://img225.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotgg7.jpg Thank you very much.
Um, that doesn't seem to be one of my themes. Perhaps try reinstalling and selecting the one that says "Murrine Human/Brave/Wine/Wise."
Yeah, removing Murrina Dreamy solved this... really weird, go figure... Thank you! :)
can i make a mod of your theme please it will go with my leopard border and i will make all the creds go to you :)
Everything I release is open source, so feel free to do anything you want with it.
hmm well i was looking in .themes and theres no scrollbar folder how do i change it? or can you change it for me? i'll send you the files i wanna switch it too
The theme uses the murrine engine to render all the widgets. There is no scrollbar folder, or any other pixmap folder for that matter, since all the code is in the gtkrc file. If you want to change any scrollbar settings, there should be instructions for various settings inside the gtkrc file itself.
In Ubuntu Intrepid I have a warning if launch a nautilus for example, from terminal: lex@asus:~$ nautilus /home/lex/.themes/Murrine Brave/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:95: Murrine configuration option "hilight_ratio" will be deprecated in future releases. Please update this theme to get rid of this warning.
Ubuntu intrepid uses an unstable SVN version of the Murrine engine. This theme is not compatible with Murrine SVN. In the future, when the Murrine SVN is stable and widespread enough, I will update this theme to support it. For now, I can't add support for SVN in this theme because some of the new options and settings are not backwards compatible, and the majority of people are using the stable Murrine engine. Perhaps if the developer releases a more stable snapshot of Murrine SVN, I'll provide an alternate version designed for it. For now, you may want to try downgrading your murrine package, or using clearlooks-colors/nodoka-colors as a temporary replacement.
Oh ok...many thank's for your explanation and congratulations for your work.
When using banshee it tries to use the image from the panel in its tooltip and ends up looking like this, http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/4242/screenshotht5.png
What banshee are you using? which distro? I have Banshee 1.2 now, and have been using it in Ubuntu since 0.98 and cannot reproduce this bug. Have you modified anything in the theme?
Ubuntu hardy and Banshee 1.2 and yea i did comment out the gtk shadow line, so i didn't have the unified look.
I can't seem to reproduce it. It shows up just fine in the three PC's I tested. Maybe you could try reinstalling the theme?
Nice themes and icons. Thanks.
Hey nice theme perfectska04 .. this theme is like an Aston Martin .. simple, stylish and comes in a range of colours. YOU are the definition of eyecandy perfectska04