I finally decided to upload it here.

Metacity theme included.
Wallpaper: http://lassekongo83.deviantart.com/art/Shifty-76540706
Icons: XubuntuStudio
To use the start-here.png (shift logo) icon you'll need to put it in your current icon theme's 48x48/places folder and backup+remove any icons that are named start-here.svg/png. Your icon theme should be located in /home/username/.icons/.
If you're using an OS default icon theme you may need to open the gconf-editor and select to use a custom application icon in the applications-menu.
Ratings & Comments
Amazing color ! Great theme ! Great job mate ! Note : If i have my language indicator enabled on a taskbar, the top porder looses 1 pixel.
I like it...good blue, nice, I like it..you got my + vote :p
Superb color choice. I love the simple, elegant design. Thank you.