
GTK2 Themes

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This theme is aimed for people who just want a simple, fast and native interface with many color options. It's also designed with new linux users in mind, by providing simple, thorough instructions. A matching set of Icons, Wallpapers, GDM themes and Usplash screens can also be downloaded separately.

There are four color variations (Orange, Blue, Green, Red) and TWO designs; light and dark. You can create even more color-schemes through GNOME's appearance preferences, using the included tango palette for color suggestions!

This theme is designed for Nodoka engine 0.7. It will not work with earlier versions.
You can get version 0.7 here:

Important, must read or clowns will eat you:
- Inside the gtkrc files there are extensive line-by-line instructions and tips for customizing most aspects of the theme!

- GNOME-Colors are set as the default icons for the themes. Be sure to download them to get the full experience!

- This theme uses gradient panel backgrounds by default. If you plan to use Transparent/Custom panels, please disable my panels by editing either the gtkrc or panel.rc files like the included instructions tell you to.

- My X-Colors metacity borders are not selected by default, due to their non-conservative nature. You can choose them in gnome's appearance preferences if you wish to use them.

- Some linux apps are not too friendly to dark themes yet. It's up to their developers to improve this. Keep this in mind when using any dark theme.

- If you want root/super user applications to be themed, you must type in a terminal:
sudo ln -s ~/.themes /root

- Feel free to try Clearlooks-Colors or Murrine-Colors for alternate takes on this theme.

If you must vote down, or if there is something you dislike, let me know so I can work on improving it!
Last changelog:

2.0 (09/12/0:
-Minor improvements.
-Minor improvements to metacities/emeralds.
-Now based on Shiki-Colors' newer gtkrc, for better instructions and easier modifications.

Ratings & Comments



Hi all, Thank's for this nice theme. I've just have a problem, this warning under Intrepid Ibex: frederic@PC-portable-PB:~$ sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list /root/.themes/Nodoka Wise/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:431: error: invalid string constant "nodoka-evo-new-button-workaro", expected valid string constant gtk2-engines-nodoka 0.7.1 is installed. What happens?


Ah, thanks for letting me know. I overlooked a minor error when I ported the styles from one of my other themes. I'll fix it and reupload it when I have the time. Meanwhile, you can open the gtkrc file and click "search and replace". Then, type clearlooks and replace it with nodoka It'll fix the missing style.


Ok, I just reuploaded and this issue is now fixed.


I was wondering if it's possible to configure the theme to use nodoka's rounded scroll bars?


Sure, open the gtkrc file and go to the scrollbars section. Change roundness from 0 to another value.


Well that helps, but I am looking more towards the concave buttons that are within the nodoka bar. If anything what you have suggested only effect the outer edge of the button.


I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Changing roundness to any value other than 0 will give you the exact same scrollbar as Nodoka's default one. Nodoka doesn't allow for any other type of scrollbars, only square or rounded like this:


Yeah, that is what I trying to get back. A guess that it's a matter of constancy.


I really like your themes, very good work. It's a pity that they also affect part of the panel (eg my panel becomes partly silver instead of red when i choose human, and i can't change that). If that would be different i'd use this theme.


Hi, I don't understand what you mean. The panels are not meant to turn red or silver, they just use a gradient white background instead of a flat white background as regular clearlooks does. You can however, as I mentioned in the theme description above, disable panel theming. I've put thorough instructions inside the gtkrc and panelrc files, and it should be as easy as adding a "#" in the right place and saving.


In fact, it is not working with 0.6.0 version of Nodoka. Btw, 0.7.0 cannnot be installed on Gutsy Gibbon due to dependencies that cannot be (at this time) be installed on UGG. Cygoku


thanks for the tip. now I know it won't work on earlier versions.. I don't think I will make it compatible with 0.6, though. Fedora 9 is right around the corner, and 0.7 has many features i can't live without. I do however think it should work in Gutsy if you compile it on your own, rather than using a precompiled hardy package. unstable 0.6.9 worked like that.


I think i might like this better than the clearlooks one. It looks better with the gradient emerald borders. Also, for icons, instead of dealtagreen i suggest the tango-generator with the "elegance" configuration file. It makes a nicely green iconset in the tango colors as well.


I think I'll give the tango generator a try, thanks for the tip. Also, the nodoka engine is quite versatile.. and it's development seems to be speedy, I might be able to improve it a bit further once I try a few of it's options. So far the result seems like the bastard child of murrine and clearlooks, and that's definitely not a bad thing.


Love it. Keep up the good work. Perhaps try one of the more retro-looking engines next?


With Nodoka, can the scrollbar color use the selected items color? Cygoku


nodoka is based on murrine, so yes, just uncomment the same line you would use with murrine.

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