Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
0.1.0 - Initial release
0.1.1 - Fixed menus and panels
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
I miss the orange stripe ;)
hey, just wanted to say i always liked this theme and just recently intended to switch to it, but then realized again that it's buggy with the xfce-panel (the panel background color isn't applied to quite a few items like cpu-graph and orage). otherwise everything seems to be fine. maybe if you could have a look into themes that use murrine-svn too and don't show this behavior(like Murrine Glow)? btw, same problem with MurrinaTriompheSVN which i also like quite a lot...
Thanks for the comment. I'll have a look at Murrine Glow's styles for the panel.
There is bug in MPD. On mouse-over, the MPD playing-now title goes white (invisible).
Do you mean that there is a problem with some MPD client? If so, which one?
On mouse-over, the MPD client, Sonata's song title (playing now) goes white and invisible. Rest, its a great theme.
I've noticed that the little red line that was under the menu is no longer there. You think you could fix that? thanks again
I'm afraid that is only possible with pixmap, sorry.
thank you anyway
In one of your earlier screenshots, the pull down menus in your gnome toolbar (or menu or taskbar...) are transparent. I have the murrine engine compiled and installed from svn trunk, yet my pull down menus are opaque? Is there something I can do to change this? Is it part of the theme? that would be great. Love the theme.. thanks.
The menu transparency was actually due to Compiz, not the Murrina engine :)
Hmmm. Where in CCSM do you enable this? Thanks.
This should help:
Amazing! Thanks..
I hope not to be asking for too much, but could yout change the checkboxes to look more elegant brit-like? now they just look plain black when checked. Thank you so much for your effort,it's a great theme.
It could be done, but it wouldn't be in line with the concept of the theme. The original idea was to use the Murrina engine because it is faster than pixmap themes (Elegant Brit is a pixmap theme). The check boxes in this theme are the default Murrina check boxes. In order to change them, I would have to use pixmaps or a different engine.
I'm afraid I haven't made my point clear. I don't mean changing the whole thing but just that the checkbox doesn't look all black; is that possible? thank you so much again
I changed the check buttons to the Mist engine, which I think is as fast as Murrina. It's not the same as the original Elegant Brit theme, but I think it looks nice. Let me know what you think.
Looks terrific! thank you so much for your work and patience.
I hope not to be asking for too much, but could change the checkboxes to look more elegant brit-like? now they just look plain black. Thank you so much for your efort, I really apreciate it
Hi! Great theme! I cannot see the caracters(menu, fichier, etc) on the navigation bar of firefox 3 release candidate. It is all white...
Sorry. My mistake. Forget about it. Evertything is perfect!
thanks with this Sunbird works. But is it possible for white/light grey menus?
See above :D
How can I make the menus go white the same way elegant brit does? I really like that, otherwise everything is too dark