Description: I completed the "StrangeMatter" theme. It's my best theme regarding the technical details (I managed to create notebooks(tab) with rounded corners on top using the pixmap engine).
Some notes:
- It works also with older versions of gnome/ubuntu (not just Hardy Heron) - It looks good even with non native gtk apps (OpenOffice, FileZilla, etc.) - The Iconset in the screenshot is called Elementary and you can find it here on - This theme only requires gtk-engines that are preinstalled on most distros (clearlooks, pixmap, industrial). - I suggest the font "Liberation Sans 8" as systemfont.
If you find anything that looks broken, please post a comment on my blog.Last changelog:
Ratings & Comments
Thx to everybody who voted good, left a comment and so on. :)
pixmap power!! Strange Matter for Emerald is coming...
This is probably the best pixmap theme I've seen to date.
Excellent theme. Absolutely loving it. Usability is amazing apart from the looks. Thank you for the theme.
Win an internet. Absolutely top class theme! /izo\
very good job, congratulations. I love this theme !