Aurora Elegant
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
First theme I ever made based on "Elegant Aurora" and "Elegant Brit". The metacity borders are a modification of "Blended".
It still has a few bugs in it, and I don't have a lot of time to fix all. If you find some, send me a message and I will try, but I don't promise anything...
This is still a beta, so if you find anything that needs to be improved, ask me for it, before you vote this down.
You need to have Aurora and Pixmap Engines installed.
Like on the screenshots, this theme uses Tangerine icons by default.
If you are interested in the wallpaper, you will find it in my other content.
Known bugs:
- Srollbars have double borders in a lot of apps.
- Some panel apps use wrong background, e.g. fast-user-switch.
- Maximized windows have a thin light line in metacity borders.
- Almost unreadable fonts in OOo and Firefox menus.
Help needed: I have no idea how to fix those.
If you want OpenOffice writer to look like in third screenshot, you need to execute the oowriter.sh script that you will find in ~/themes/Aurora Elegant/workaroud scripts/ after installing the theme. Last changelog:
It still has a few bugs in it, and I don't have a lot of time to fix all. If you find some, send me a message and I will try, but I don't promise anything...
This is still a beta, so if you find anything that needs to be improved, ask me for it, before you vote this down.
You need to have Aurora and Pixmap Engines installed.
Like on the screenshots, this theme uses Tangerine icons by default.
If you are interested in the wallpaper, you will find it in my other content.
Known bugs:
- Srollbars have double borders in a lot of apps.
- Some panel apps use wrong background, e.g. fast-user-switch.
- Maximized windows have a thin light line in metacity borders.
- Almost unreadable fonts in OOo and Firefox menus.
Help needed: I have no idea how to fix those.
If you want OpenOffice writer to look like in third screenshot, you need to execute the oowriter.sh script that you will find in ~/themes/Aurora Elegant/workaroud scripts/ after installing the theme.
Removed old code.
Menubars highlight selected items now.
Corrected panel hight.
Added Workaround script for OOo
initial release
Ratings & Comments
Hi. I really love your theme. Thanks for your work. There's a little something I wanted to change on your theme: the white line around the windows when maximized. Can it be changed and how? Is it a bug or was it wanted ? Thanks again
In Firefox and Gnome-commander top menu (File Edit View...) displayed with black color font, on other windows all fine - white color. And on normal windows when hover cursor under some menu option - it's color changed to lightblue. But in Firefox and Gnome-Commnader - it's not changed (( Fix this bug please. See screenshot http://img116.imageshack.us/my.php?image=menucolorbugao6.png Thanks for best theme! Sorry for my English
Very nice theme,well maybe to me the best gtk theme out there , too bad it has too much bugs (such as the white border outline when maximized) and the firefox and Ooo fonts being unreadable. Still its a very very nice theme, hope someone fixes it.
how could I change the color black and orange? I like them but I want to change it.. it is a nice theme! Congrats. Ohh and no Problems with me and my Linux Mint, Maybe because Linux Mint comes with Aurora Engine by default.
You need to unpack the theme, and modify the images in /gtk-2.0/Menu-Menubar. Then pack it as tar.gz and you may install it again.
It is so Good, and I recommend it with the Emerald theme, http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Emerald+Aurora+Elegant?content=85454.
Same bug on my side. Got a white line on Firefox like described above too.
On the top right corner of maximized windows it seems there is a small white line. on the right side only though. here is a screenshot. http://img371.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotcf8.png
I know. This is what 3rd point of known bugs is about... Right now, I don't know which part of the metacity theme is responsible for it, but I will try to find a solution. Just be patient, I don't have a lot of time...
As I stated before, I don't like when compiz makes the titlebar transparent for inactive windows and I couldn't find a way around, yet. So here are 2 emerald themes http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Emerald+Aurora+Elegant+Flat?content=85457 http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Emerald+Aurora+Elegant?content=85454 Hope you like them. Acutally I am not a friend of big window borders but strangly I prefer Emerald Aurora Elegant and use it currently. In Ubuntu there is a compiz config settings manager which you can use to make emerald you default. Go to Window decoration and set Command to /usr/bin/emerald --replace
First off, LOVING these theme. So, you know, kudos an such. The only things that bug me are: 1) Obviously. the FF and OOO bugs, but you're working on those. 2) The scrollbars. Is there a way for me to change them back to standard Aurora? 3) The menus. I think they may be using the smaller icon sizes, or else they just don't seem as big as what I remember. 4) Animated progress bars. Why aren't they?
1) Actually I can just provide workarounds. I will try to improve those, but I can't solve the problem in general. There are already bug reports for FF and OOo, but obviously developers don't think, this is very important. 2) Honestly, I don't know. I put a lot of work in this, and it was one of the main reasons, why I made this theme. You may try to remove everything related to scrollbars in gtkrc and replace it with code from Elegant Aurora. 3) I don't understand what you are talking about. Main menu or from applications? It is too big or too small? I would like to make padding in applications bigger, but I don't know how to do that yet... 4) Because I don't like it. You may activate it, if you edit gtkrc. Set line 115 to true, and you should have it.
Nice work mate. This is truly elegant. But I think the panel width is way to big. I tried resizing it to 24px but I can't go below 32px. This is annoying when u have a small screen resolution. Otherwise i can't think of anything else that needs improvement. :P
The screenshot are not up to date. panel height has already been fixed by gabriel. Download and try to see how it really looks :)
might i suggest you blank out the email addresses you have on your screenshot? you may find the owners would rather not have random spam emails from people... just a thought.
If I'm not mistaken, it's his spam folder in the screenshot. Unerwünscht = Unwanted :-)
Correct. So as those addresses are already used to send spam, I think it is not too bad if they get some back ;-)
Actually the sender of spam is almost never the real sender but could be (not have to be) real email adresses of innocent people. Just make the Address row smaller next time so noone can see the full address.
I suggest "Dropline Nou" icon thene with this one.
The screenshot is hot, but here i have many problems... Aurora Elegant/gtk-2.0/menubar.rc not found: at #76: "Arrows/arrow-right-norm.png" at #85: "Arrows/arrow-right-prelight.png" Then, it show more 2 errors, at line 79 and 88: "Overlay image options specified without filename" This problems, make the theme of controls turn off :/
Were do you get those errors? I don't understand what you mean with your last sentence. Does the theme not load, or does it break anything?
Actually, those icons don't exist. I obviously copied a little bit too much of some other theme. I removed those parts now. Right now, upload doesn't work, I will try again later.
Should be ok now. Tell me if you still have problems.
i removed code manually :P about the second part of my comment, ignore it. I don't no why, but its problem with my aurora engine. I reinstall the engine e now work. Using your controls. The windows border no, because the border (to redimension) is too thin. :P I now how i can change this?
i've installed the theme but can't find the script for ooo in the theme folder