KDE4 Oxygen new port for GNOME
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This is probably the most accurate one that exists.
I have read the comments on my blog and here, so I fixed some issues like slightly different bg colors etc. (but still no hover for sliders and check/radio boxes).
I also added a Metacity theme.
-new arrows
-new spinbuttons/spinbutton-entry
-bg-color fixes, button-streching fixes
-new scrollbar background
-removed vertical-lines from comboboxes
-new vertical-range sliders
-checkbutton margin added
-increased thickness of buttons and comboboxes
-removed panelstyle (it's customizable by the user now)
-added Metacity theme
-removed focuslines (uncomment line 21 in the gtkrc file if you want them back)
-new frames
Ratings & Comments
How in hell m i suposed to download the cat from youtube ?
The Download link is of a cat flying youtube video?
the download links to a youtube video of a cat
Have a look at this one: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/kde4.2-oxygen+(modified)?content=99926 In the description it says: I've modified Kim's wonderful but outdated KDE 4-Style for GTK2 to match KDE 4.2.
"kim" seem to have moved his blog, I found it here: http://blog.kims-area.com/?q=node/62
Great! Now qt and gtk applications look alike
Ah, I really want to try this theme, cause it looks so cool, but the download links seems dead/defused!
Try http://blog.kims-area.com/?q=node/62
I'm using this style on my new ubuntu; it's both elegant and easy on the eyes. Keep up the good work :)
How I can change icons size in tray? What I should add to gtkrc?
can be default on any Gnome driven distro
thanks dude, one step more towards gtk-theme integration inside my kde.... and very well done!!!! one question though: is there any chance that you'll doing the same with skulpture-theme? thx
Here is a copy of what was submitted by Eric on Kims site. Quote:I made a few minor changes to Kim's Oxygen theme to make things more consistent with KDE 4.2. I'm currently using this theme under KDE to make GTK apps look more integrated. If the theme is installed in /usr/share/themes and gtk-qt-engine is installed, you don't even need gnome-control-center to use this theme under KDE.
- Cleaned/reformatted the gtkrc and xml files
- Removed images not referenced in any gtkrc files
- Updated the scrollbar and progressbar images
- Changed the tooltips background to blue
- Added an index.theme file (linked to oxygen icon theme)
I use you theme at all my desktops, wrote ebuild https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=261874
This is honestly, one of the best themes available. However This only mayjor bug that i have found is that it is completely non-compatible with Netbeans. (The Development environment) WHich is a shame, because alot of my work is done using this. It might have something to do with compatibility Java, im not sure. Keep up the hard work :-)
Looks great and a joy to use. Many thanks for your hard work ;)
I really love this theme. Unfortunately some applications like evolution do not use the menu.png given with the theme. Is there a way I can change this?
I have use this theme for just a few days,and loving it.Today I have caught a word to discribe this theme,that is"soft"! During past time I use gnome and feel something goes not very well,that is the clicking made me feel "hard",and your theme have solve my problem.
It looks nice in almost every where...
Wow it feels warmz.
One off the best themes ever...
Congratulations, i like it a lot!
Great looking theme! It makes gtk apps blend in well with KDE. The only suggestion I could think of is maybe some feedback when a button is in focus (it helps when you're navigating with your keyboard).
I prefer the symmetrical menu selection and square edged menus! The only flaw I find is that the text disappears off the bottom of the task manager at the default panel size of 24 pixels.