Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Suggestions and/or critics (better if constructive) are welcome; so feel free to add comments.
Thanks in advance.
To get some wallpapers just follow the garfilth's comment reply on the first page.
For some applications like Jokosher you should uncomment the line "10" or so in gtkrc file (or just delete it):
# gtk-menu-images = 0
so you'll have the icons on buttons, otherwise is very problematic to use the program;
To have the title bar buttons on the left side,
just open the "gconf-editor" and go to:
then individuate
"button_layout" key
and change the string to
Thank you!
Dic, 08: previews updated
- the GTk2 theme should work good with or without global-menubar applet installed.
- xfwm4 was crashes because of the .SVG file, fixed now (is .XPM format).
- shadow pixmaps changed for better appearance.
- scrollbars not properly loaded by some gtk apps, so bg. is simplified now.
- link to Lemnos-UI metacity wood theme added. (fresh!)
- three Metacity themes and one xfwm4 theme included.
- GDM theme included (preview 2).
Nov, 23: link to seanbarman's Emerald theme added.
- link to seanbarman's no global-menubar GTK2 theme mod added.
Nov, 19: link to an alternate Metacity theme added.
Nov, 17: first public release with two Metacity themes included (top rounded and top squared title bar).
This project will be available for download until xx Xxxxxxxx, 2009.
Ratings & Comments
This theme is good!! Should be official on any distro!! Clean, functional, great choice of colors. Thanks, and congrats!!
Very impressive The bronze like finish is great.
great....really a nice peace of work....nice contrast....chooose of colors...I would say relaxing...keep it up....chears @+
Your comment is so... coooooooooool :) You're welcome ! Thank you !
A bit too much mac, but still great and original. I love it!
Thank you, Alessio; I'm working for the next suite... I don't know when I'll post it, maybe in March of the next year ;)
That's really nice ! Rated good ;) Keep up !
THX! you're welcome ;)
actually i would go so far and say, that your theme is one of the nicest non-dark themes. and i learned from your gtkrc aswell. i put you in the credits of my next release. thx!!
Thank you, and so for giving me credits :)
Glad to be of some help. Carry on the good work don't be put off by bad votes thats just the way people are here. They vote bad and don't say why. sad really, nothing wrong with some constructive critism. My favorite theme of the moment........
Thanks for nice comments :) I agree with you my friend...but I just want to say that someone should do something for the actually voting system here... need a improved one; this one is no longer suitable now... I mean everyone can register and then vote (let's going to f*** the art around here) without being traceable, any trace of being here... this is not fair... one time, two times but more is very annoying and frustrating; the mosts here I think try to do bests... some themers can move to other sites at this point... luckily, still can meet brave peoples like you, which are gladly helping the others :) one of the reason that actually I'll don't do this, at least surely not yet... Thank again for encouragement, best wishes, and have a nice week ;) cris
yeah, one gets used to it, its like walking half naked with a bit of underwear through the supermarket... but this is normal not just around here! hehe, don't worry!
..and: good job>>
Thanks ;) You're right, yes :)
Added some emerald themes for those with compiz http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/GNU-LINUX+Tierra-UI+emerald?content=93640
Thank you very much for being involved into this project; your help is really appreciated; very nice Emerald themes ;)
It's a beautiful theme! Sadly, I run XFCE4 and it appears to kill the window manager.
Sorry, I know what you mean... I'll see what you can do about that :)
Maybe you could be able to use this theme with XFCE WM: please try to uncomment (you can even remove it) the line 2493 or so from "gtkrc" file: #class "GtkWindow" style "metacity-frame" btw, please tell if works, so I'll post it a new one changed, so the others XFCE users can enjoy.
I tried that, (commenting that line; it was uncommented) but it didn't do the trick. What's happening is that it kills xfwm4, and after switching to another theme, I have to restart it (xfwm4). I don't have enough knowlege to be more helpful, sorry. :( Good luck finding the problem, I think your theme is very nice and I'd love to use it.
Ok, I was installing the xfce with xfwm4 and it works for me (uncommented the style for GtkWindow) even using Xnest (virtual session); I haven't made other changes... maybe you should try to reboot instead logout-> login ; if still doesn't work I'll search to fix this problem in some way :) have a nice weekend :) cris
Please can you provide me the link to a gtk2 theme that works good with xfwm4 (I mean Pixbuf engine based) ?
I understand that xfwm4 doesn't support the .svg graphic file format; so you should change the file path from "window-background" style to another file: file = "Others/grayscale.xpm" line 2564 from gtkrc. Hope this will help :)
That did it! :D Thank you so much!