Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
or http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Murrine+Engine+%28Ubuntu+Packages%29?content=99516
im using:
-fonts for clock are into gtk-2.0 folder
-background for rounded panel in 3 differents size are in the same folder
finaly the Pixel missing on metacity is now in good place (thank you kwwii)
re-mod with last Murrine from GIT or Lucid Lynx
i made the progressbar with the helpfull of this idea (mockup?), http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/02/lucidity-proposed-lucid-theme.html
big thank you to the unknown guy who created it
firefox openoffice menubar fixed
indicator-session messaging menu entrybox fixed too (thank you benzea)
changed a bit panel settings
fix sound-indicator "box_color"
fix menubar dragg
fix radio/buttoncheck prelight
(i am not using many applications)
Ratings & Comments
tried your last variant and it's getting better&better!! the question is now why the font size at the panel is so big? the clock and time and date at the panel is much bigger than with other themes..
it was already like that before the update (maybe you did not notice this)(see screenshot) you can make it "as normal" by deleting (or commenting out "#") the lines 545 to 551 to the gtkrc file. best regards thank you
would be just awesome..with thinner borders and buttons...
good evening for better view you can drag and drop a panel background i submitted into ~/.themes/zni3/gtk-2.0 i left inside 3 panels size (1024, 1280 , 1600) sorry for this problems but panel is tricky for me i always struggle with it i do not want to implement too many pixmap engine (just one for the handlesize) i do not know how to do with panel and keep the feel n' look with the entire theme if you can help me with this point ... :o) it's also faster way to use a dock but i can understand your opinion thank you for commenting i promise to work on it in the few next day
great theme, dude. but i wonder is there a way to change that light background for the selected item? like there in the snapshot..[url=http://itmages.ru/image/view/23235/4f3d6ebe][img]http://static.itmages.ru/i/10/0301/s_1267468460_4f3d6ebec1.png[/img][/url]
i updated the theme to change the panel settings you MUST change the panel background by one of i submitted into theme archive there is 3 sizes (1024/1280/1600) you can drag and drop them directly or use the right-clic properties of panel and choose background using the ~/.themes/zni3/gtk-2.0/ path sorry for this point but i can't do better with the panel.
Hey, great theme, but just two glitches I noticed. 1) In the gtk panel, tabs that are not in focus are shiny white blobs 2) Open office menu is blacked out.
OOPs i forgot to reinstall OOo thank you very much to tell me that, i ll work on this today. for the panel you must add the panel background i supplied into gtk2-0 folder to get a good focus thank you (For other ppl please do not vote bad to fast i ll update theme today) :o) thank you again reporting this
hello/bonjour PinguinArmy thank you again to reporting the bug i fixed the OOo menubar hope you always like my theme :o)
Good job man I like it! Your themes are always amongst the best in quality an detail.
Amazing!!!! I love your theme, but i cant use the borders: I use openbox. Could you please make an openbox theme? I'm sure there are very much people who like your theme and will use it if has an ob theme for the borders.
hello / bonjour i do not know nothing about openbox if i hav time i will check how-to but i can't promise to do it maybe you can try to do it i will check for emerald theme but it looks difficult too nothing easy... thank you for the comment.
j'aime bien le panel, mais je suis pas trop fan du thème des fenêtre en tous cas, sa reste du très bon travail ;)
Merci Comme quoi il en faut pour tous les gouts ! :o)
oui voila, mais c'est surtous que je préfère les theme assez sombre, parce que quand c'est des couleur clair, j'ai mes yeux qui éclate^^(surtout le matin après le réveil quand j'allume mon ordi^^) en plus ton theme est simple y a pas de superflu et il est bien fait, et sa j'aime bien
pour le panel tu peux l'utiliser en glissant l'image mine.png (1600) ou mine1280.png (1280) incluse dans le répertoire gtk2.0 du thème il te faudrat un thème ayant les polices en blanc (ou claires) pour le panel. merci encore des commentaires
uau!, this theme has really great and nice design!, all seems perfect.. really great!, even I use only dark themes.. My compliments!
thank you very much.
Very consistent, very clean. I love the tab/close-tab images the most. The only things I don't like: the close-tab images are rotated 90 degrees clockwise and the panel background image is obtrusive(both issues are easily fixable, though).
better & better & better!!! thx :)
Nice work. What is that panel thing at the (top) center? Looks like a network meter..
bonjour / hello it's netspeed-applet available on Ubuntu repos thank you, happy new year 2009 :o)
Zni3 metacity looks nice combined with zniavre gtk2. Try out this mix! As icons, I pick Jungle Orange on Ubuntu. Also, I add great Obsidian cursor theme. I modified Zni3 titlebar a bit, because it needs more work. I think close button should be rotated left 90 degrees. Also, I don't display inactive buttons at all - just leave blank spaces! As focus I use green light on minimize/maximize and red light on close. It works well, looks nice :)
big thank you. could i try your mods ? in fact the close buttons is this way cause left position (mac layout ?) i did not think about colored buttons it should be quite nice thank you again merci au revoir
Dude, I never liked your zni theme until today. Well, almost. The toolbar2.png should definitely be redone and rethinked all over. Zni is one of the top 3 dark theme that is actually usable, except for the panel that is really unusable because of the way too bright toolbar2.png! About those top right pixels missing when a window is maximise, maybe you should try to Emerald your metacity. Cygoku