
GTK2 Themes

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Shiki-Colors mixes the elegance of a dark theme with the usability of a light theme, resulting in a hybrid theme. Shiki is designed to be fast and stable.

There is a Clearlooks version for out-of-the-box compatibility with most distros and a Murrine version for eyecandy and speed.

There are 7 color variations (Orange, Blue, Green, Purple, Red, Chocolate, Pink). A matching set of Icons, Wallpapers and GDM themes can also be downloaded separately from gnome-look or at the gnome-colors project page.

You can edit the theme's source (the gtkrc files) for further customization, which is all too easy due to the included instructions.

Must read or clowns will eat you:
* The Murrine version will only work with Murrine 0.90.3 or newer. Yes, you will need to upgrade unless you're using Ubuntu Jaunty.

* The borders are very thin, and titlebars/menubars are unified because of "LOL, ELEGANCE". If you have any difficulty resizing windows, try the included alternate metacity with thicker borders.

* In Ubuntu, for themes (installed through appearance preferences) to be able to theme applications in admin mode, you must type in a terminal:
sudo ln -s ~/.themes /root && sudo ln -s ~/.icons /root

Fedora users can get an installable package of Murrine 0.90.3 (x86) here until is not available in release section:

* In Ubuntu, you can use the official PPA repository for easy installation and upgrades. For Ubuntu Karmic Koala, you can simply run apt-get install shiki-colors to install from Ubuntu's universe repositories. The packages are also available in Debian Sid.

* To fix minor Firefox 3 bugs in Shiki-Colors, install the Stylish add-on and go here (or install the included userChrome.css file following the instructions in README):

* Visit the GNOME-Colors project page for bug reports, feature requests, SVN and more downloads:

* Consider donating a small amount to the GNOME-Colors project if you wish to support it, or to show your appreciation. You can do so by clicking on the "donate" button next to the download section.
Last changelog:

4.6 (2009-09-25)
* Add support for Chromium's GTK theming.

4.5 (2009-08-03)
* Update Green, Pink, Orange and Red palettes for better contrast.
* Fix a minor Firefox urlbar color issue in green/orange variations.

4.4 (2009-07-14)
* Add new Pink (Illustrious) color variation.
* Add support for gdm-user-switch applet in Karmic.
* Fix panel matching in Dust-Murrine variant.
* Remove spaces in metacity names for easier RPM packaging. You might have to
remove the old metacity folders or run make uninstall from a previous version.

Ratings & Comments



I love it and the title is also right. Black and Darkness reasamble and Walking Corpse Shiki means "Walking Corpse" in Japanese :D


Has someone already done a square version of the metacity? I did a quick mod, I was just curious if anyone has done a complete mod, or if anyone else is interested in a square version.


after installation edit style and append at end: .menubar-text { color: -moz-dialog !important; }


Are there any plans to include an icon for the 'liferea' application on any of the next Shiki Colors theme release? Application information can be reached at


Does anyone know if a GTK3 port of this theme is available, or if it would be possible to create?


It appears the person who designed this nice theme has last visited this page on Sep 21 2010. So it seems someone should volunteer to create a GTK3 version.


I've found a GTK3 version of that theme on deviantart, called Shiki-Nouveau and done by a guy named Karashata. Using it, my GTK2 and GTK3 apps are nearly indiscernable! You can find the excellent work there :


Hi! I'd love to change the scrollbars colors and make them darker because I can't see it at all. Where are the scrollbars, for editing them with gimp? Thanks.


There were a light version of this theme called murrine colors but it's no longer supported. Is there any way to turn the menubar and menus to grey, I mean, to get a completely light theme from this?


The old user-style for firefox 3, which fix the bad integration of the shiki colour theme in firefox, was broken in firefox 4. The last nightly introduces a new display for destination in urlbar instead of status bar (which will disapear in firefox 4). So here ( is the correction in order to let the destination link appear properly. Have fun with it.


I would love to see a Shiki Gray or Shiki Slate or something similar that would look great with grayscale wallpapers.


I fixed that in my rendition of shiki check out shiki frost here on gnome look


I love the look of this theme, but there is one usability "problem". Many new themes gives the possibility to move windows by "draging" in the unused space in the menu-bar (such as Ambiance/Radiance, eGTK and Unified). Since the colors of the window border and the menubar are the same in shiki, this should be fixed.


But maybe this is something that should be fixed in the murrine engine.


Why won't this damned theme work properly with ROX desktop?


Please someone can tell which player or widget it's used on the screenshot for showing the album of the music playing on rhythmbox


I don't know if it's just an issue with Xfce or just what, but I tried to download and install these from the repos on PC/OS (a Xubuntu-based distro, BTW), and in the GTK theme list, I also got the entries for each of the GDM themes too, in both their regular and user-listed versions. I looked through the /usr/share/themes directory and couldn't find any reason the Arc-series of GDM themes would appear, too. Any idea what's up with that? Thanx in advance, Fred in St. Louis PS -- I'm about to try just downloading them and installing them straight from here, so we'll see what happens there...


It happened with a manual installation, too. When I get home from work tonight, I'm gonna try moving them to /home/fred/.themes and see what happens there.


Great theme. Just thought I'd mention a feature I'd love to see implemented. Many recent themes have made nautilus a focal point of the theme, and I think it's a great idea. An example of this is the elementary theme. I'd love to use your theme, as I feel it is the most consistent and clear. But nautilus looks very outdated. I'd love to hear if this is a possibility! Thanks


point of clarification: i am referring to elementary's sleek nautilus sidebar, not the breadcrumb modification.


In the metacity theme, how to change a bootom_edge color?


Great theme! It would be nice if you'd make the theme a little more light weight, beacuse my laptop heats up a bit.


i've found that this is one of the lightest themes around. maybe you should try a different wm such as openbox.


Would be nice to have the suitable theme for Google Chrome.


omfg ur a n00b, look @ the changelog nub

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version 4.6
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 5

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