Description: Ok, so it's a Konsole improvment, so what? Close enough. The point is, the app adds stuff to your clear command. Clearskins (the thiings SkinClear uses to see what you expect from it) come in two versions: C and SH. You write them SH clearskins like any shell script. C clearskins, just write the file, and the app will compile them and rename then to the clearskin name.
BUGS: * Self installer crashes when you confirm the install. Use it to check sys. req. and then enter the skinclear-sup files directory. Run ./.instisgo > installlog (like the install is SUPPOSED TO!). Then skinclear-uli is for continuing, and skinclear-sui is for uninstalling. * Because of the bug stated above, I have not been able to determine any more bugs. Therefore this is beta.Last changelog:
Run command "skinclear", and it will read your config file, and maybe print a few lines of text, or edit your sudoers file, or read your favorite news feed (all with the help of other commands)
Ratings & Comments
Ok, but what does it do?
You aren't the only one who can't figure out what it does from the description.
Well apart from that it adds stuff...
Run command "skinclear", and it will read your config file, and maybe print a few lines of text, or edit your sudoers file, or read your favorite news feed (all with the help of other commands)
I could use them. Oh and if you get a TGZ, in between the t and the g, add "ar."
note the "."