Navigation Panel in Profile!

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements

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Konqueror is an amazing program that can be molded into just about anything and thanks to the profile feature you can have multiple profiles with it set up for multiple tasks.

Konqueror's advanced profiling features can be acessed via the settings menu, using the profile feature you can save just about anything you cutomize into one snapshot, toolbars and their positions/orientations, tabs open, window size and position, split views, navigation panel, locked views, linked views, almost anything you throw at it it will save if you want it to.

Unfortunately this powerful feature has two big limiatations, it can't remember text zoom and it can't remember Navigation Panel tabs or Sidebar Tabs.

The tabs can be observed to the left of the screen, where it says Bookmarks, History, FTP Archives and Web Sites. KDE allows you to open multiple tabs at once as in my screenshots and it allows you to add new tabs that don't come with KDE, such as news feeds or special folders.

The Navigation Panel also has some interesting configuration options of it's own such as "Multiple Views", "Show Tabs Left", "Show Configuration Button" and of course you can choose which tabs to open and what order they should be in.

The problem is that all these settings are global, they can not be saved by the view profile theme, they affect all profiles. Therefore, I can't have only my Web Browsing profile display only news feeds, History, Bookmarks, and Network. If I do this it will also show up in my file browsing profile, cluttering it with useless tabs which do not relate to file browsing.

View Profile can only remember if the Navigation Panel is on and off, I want it to remember everything about it.

If you do too, please vote for my bug here: (for navigation panel) (for tabs)

The more votes the sooner it will get fixed.

BTW: Screenshot 3 may need some explaining. It is showing off Konqueror's split top/bottom view abiltiy in which I have linked the bottom view to the top view and locked the top view. This means that any link I click in the top view will open in the bottom view, it's very handy when reading news websites! Also, the split view only affects the activated tab, the rest of the tabs do not have split views.

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What theme have you got on those screenshots? They're some seriously nice icons in no. 2.


There is one other thing that drives me crazy about Konqueror. Sorting files by type is the way I like & prefer to manage & view my files in directories (folders). Saving pofileFilemanagement doesn't help and Konqueror always opens directories where files are sorted by name.


Please submit a bug that Konqueror doesen't remmeber how files are sorted using the profile.


I agree. This is the number one most annoying thing that Konqueror still lacks, in my opinion.


Fantastic Work, winterwolf :)


This is just a suggestion, I didn't do anything.

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