Control Sidebar "My Linux"

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements

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This version is designed for Slackware. Any Disro that uses /opt/kde
FOR SUSE: You can make a symlink kde that points to kde3.

The Control Sidebar is a nice addition to the KDE desktop, Espicially for a new KDE user.
You get a Desktop Icon that is similiar to the windows "My Computer". You will have fast access
to most of your commonly used apps or maybe cut down on the confusion of what the apps are. This could
save a new user allot of time hunting for the app they need. The Sidebar menu had expandable/collapsable menus,
Just cklick on the little Blue triangle and it will collapse, Click again and it will expand.

The main sidebar window has the following functions:

KDE Control: That is the control profile view, witch you see in the screenshot.
Applications: This will load YOUR applications menu items in the right window
System Settings: This will load YOUR settings menu items in the right window

System Devices: This will show YOUR system devices like hard drives and cdroms in the right window.
Local Network: This will show YOUR local windows and samba shares in the right window.
Utilities: This will load YOUR utilities menu items in the right window

Home: This will load YOUR HOME directory items in the right window
Desktop: This will load desktop items in the right window
My Documents: This will load YOUR My Documents menu items in the right window
My Music:This will load YOUR My Music menu items in the right window
Trash:This will show the contents of your trash can in right window. (You can empty your trash with the right click menu)

The file is 4.4MB since it depends on the Crystal 0.9 icon theme, witch is included.

You can dowload it at:

To install: Extract the contents of the .tar.gz then open a console window and ./install
to uninstall

I'm very interesten in making a loki installer to make the installation even easier. If anyone can help please let me know!

Your comments and suggestions will be my deciding factor on the future of this project. So please post your comments. If you would like it for a different distro, Let me know(Include your kde path if possible). If I get enough requests I will make more versions.

Ratings & Comments



How come you guys are still using a static file... check this out:


How about a preview area in the sidebar? Let's say in the right hand window you have highlighted an image or some other media. It would then display (enlarged format but not full size, or other media would display a default icon or image representing it) in the preview area on the left, in the sidebar. Maybe using cervisia like you can in konqueror preview mode. This would be similar to how XP handles media selected in the explorer window. cheers, -p0z3r


I'll look into the icon theme in the next release that I do.The html file can be edited pretty easy to change the directories for My Documents and My Music. The reason I did it this way is to insure the links would work without editing. The html file to edit is: /home/usr/.controlsidebar/controlsidebar.html Thanks, FTZ


The addition is nice and intuitive. It would be even nicer if the sidebar HTML used the icons under $HOME/.kde as image links so it would blend nicely under any icon theme. Another improvement would be to allow the user to select what directories link to the music, document, etc links in the sidebar (maybe in a kcm?).

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