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Being I just in a previous post to a kmenu idea to be "different" here is an idea of mine where I took all the things I liked about various applications and tried to put them into good use.

On the side you'll see 3 shades of color and wording, Yes that idea came from amaroK. same ideas apply. This is a tab structure in which the entire menu's content is replaced depending on what tab you are on.

Most used and Last used kicker options are still honored.

Quick Folders - This is for all those folders that you see off to the left side in any open and save dialog.

The actions I did modify a bit to include an option to Home.

The selected Tab should be saved and shown the next time the menu is displayed.

Sorry for the ugly preview. I don't normally do this type of thing. I suck at editing graphics =)

Ratings & Comments



quick launch, kmenu style, nice


Those vertical tabs are about the wost accessability and usability nightmare, IMO. If you really want devisions, please use stacks, they aer far more friendly.


They also can force the user to travel farther to click on the next selection ;)


I think this would be a good improvement. I'd like a bit better visual hint for the tablike widget on the left and if possible, a fourth tab where the user can make his own selection.


"I think this would be a good improvement. I'd like a bit better visual hint for the tablike widget on the left and if possible, a fourth tab where the user can make his own selection." Better visual: Like the amarok one when you hover over a tab into a different color. In this case it'd be the lighter blue. Selected is the darker blue. Normal/Unselected is the gray. 4th tab wouldn't be necessary as you can add entries into the "Quick Folders" or "Quick Directories" however you like it said.


i've been thinking for a while on how to improve the kmenu - it's a beautiful piece, the way it addresses a lot of issues for users with multiple logins, but I myself find myself thinking often "how could this be better" interesting idea on the tabs. i suppose you could click quick-folders and have a list of other "bookmarked" folders appear a la quick browser? i don't know if i'd be so excited about the extra steps that it introduces to get places though. lets see some more feedback on it?


The "Quick folders" was just a name I choose to give to the entries you have and can create in any open and save dialogs. In Any KDE open/save dialogs you can right click and choose "add entry" Same Idea I'd like to have here. Extra work due to tabs: If your like me you normally only use the most used applications section and every once in a while actually browse for a different application. I didn't forsee me ever using the quick folders too often as I have my home directory very organized so I made a tab for that instead of putting them next to the Applications section like you'd see in the winXP's menu. The ability to have such directories listed in the menu however I've always found to be very nice.


MHW4li <a href="">yfvdmbxwnzxp</a>, [url=]vhrsormaarsa[/url], [link=]amusbthftwvt[/link],

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