KMenu sidebar image for Slackware GNU\\Linux 10~

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements

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This is a version with "rotated" logotype

On the top of the brand-new wave of KDE customization mania
by changing KMenu's "sidebar image" I join the surfers of
the Net and contribute my effort and time to deliver you a
really cool looking, sexy sidebar image for the favourite
Linux distribution Slackware GNULinux.

Enjoy the art of mind

PS: To be honest this one looks much better than those
of FC or Debian...

Slackware is a Real Linux!

PS2: I officialy note you that I'm not about to wound smb's
personal opinion about what Linux distribution is the best
one. I just only say, that the sidebar image I created for
Slackware GNULinux is one of the best... atm, of course

Note: I've put in graphical sources (xcf format) for those of you who want to hack 'em.
Last changelog:


* Minor corrections to installation shell scripts
* archive structure has been modified (Christophe suggested to have a directory containing the archive's content instead of unpacking the data to the current folder)


* rotated logotype (I think this looks a bit better and artistic);
* archive contet's been overhauled: directory structure changes;
* [in|un]stallation scripts has been modified;
* now `kicker' restarts right after you execute `./', so you can see the changes without the need of restarting the whole KDE;
* xcf source's been updated for each version of the dir.

Ratings & Comments



Thanks dude, it looks really nice, you should provide few more variety of the sidebar with different fonts. you've improved it, and my positive vote goes to you ;). Keep slacking!


Thank you! It's a joy to realize you find my work useful and great for you. I'll probably do as you recommend and create several more KMenu sidebar images with traditional Slackware "Courier" alike font. This one is a bit complicated to get what the writing actually is at the first glance. Some say it is a drawback. I personally like when things ARE NOT simple, when it takes you some effort to figure out what it really is. One more point to that is that you click that KMenu button quite often and it becomes a little quest of curiousity for you - to figure out one day that strange writing (which on suspicion is something related to Slackware ^_^ ) The day you'll get it, you'll enjoy it even more. In case with a distinct and readable writing it's good 'cuz you can understand what's been written, but you just give it a look, and forget about it. I'll do what you ask, but this complex and "odd" writing should remain the default one. It emphasizes angularity of the Slackware's logo, and looks just cool. Thnx, for your comment! Keepin' on slackin' =)


Thnx, looks nice, chap :D

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version v1.1.1
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
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