Guess distro
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
4. February 2006
version 0.3
- kanotix-version added
- add thanks-to list
6. January 2006
version 0.2
-etc/issue removed
-Fixed errors
-some changes in script
5. January 2006
verson 0.1
Ratings & Comments
Have you had a look at lsb-release? It does essentially the same and more... cheers
If you want Arch Linux distibution support, just add to your script: test -r "/etc/arch-release" && DISTRO=`cat /etc/arch-release`
Should it realy be: test -r "/etc/redhat-release" && DISTRO=`cat /etc/fedora-release` Shouldn't it be: test -r "/etc/fedora-release" && DISTRO=`cat /etc/fedora-release` And test -r "/etc/gentoo-relase" && DISTRO=`cat /etc/debian_version` is wrong too. It should be test -r "/etc/gentoo-relase" && DISTRO=`cat /etc/gentoo-release` And the file /etc/gentoo-release isn't of intrest. For gentoo check where the symlink /etc/make.profile points. Then get the profile from the path. In my case it points to /usr/portage/profiles/default-linux/x86/2005.1 That means I have a Gentoo Linux 2005.1 install. /etc/gentoo-release contains Gentoo Base System version 1.6.13 And that is not of intrest.
I posted a fixed version at http://pastebin.com/492620 I'm not sure if the filenames for other distros are right. But now it works on Gentoo. I would be grateful if anyone could rewrite my Perl regular expression to an extended or basic regular expression. Perl regular expression support is not very common, I'm afraid.
A updated fix is at http://pastebin.com/493439 I would like the original author to comment upon this and also to fix the original script.
Thanks for bug reporting. I will correct
Is Guess distro posted at both KDE-Apps.org and KDE-Look.org? Your comment haven't appeared at KDE-Apps.org yet. Odd.
I made a even better version at http://pastebin.com/493690 If you use my contribs: please mention AnMaster in a "thanks to"-list or something.