Internet tool
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
- you can prepairs ethernet card for internet
- you can connect internet
- you can disconnect internet
How to install?
- open Konqueror
- extrat archive
- run install bash script
How to install?
- run uninstal bash script
How it works:
Debian, Ubuntu, Kubuntu:
- on comands: ifconfig eth0 up; pon dsl-provider; poff -a
Mandriva, Fedora, SUSE:
- on comands: eth0-start; adsl-sart; adsl-stop
- on comands: net.eth0 start; net.ppp0 start; net.ppp0 stop
(Thanks to Rickard Närström - ricce)
- kicker version
- firefox version
- yaber config menu
- you must have enambled commands for sudo (these command must be in /etc/sudoers file
Please comment...
and download it...
Mihael Simonic
6th may
Version 0.3
- add uninstall bash script
- add Gentoo version
- Ethenet -> Ethernet
5th may
Version 0.2
- add install bash script
4th April
Version 0.1
- first relase
Ratings & Comments
I began work on a similar project that integrates very well and easily with yours. Using kdialog and bash I have written a hand full of scripts to manipulate networking settings. I beleive that these in cooperation with your internet tools sidebar menu can be beneficial. I will e-mail you the raw scripts for you to evaluate and if you are in favor we can rewrite them and create a complete more simplified way to change network settings. Walter
Please provide a source tarball for those of us who don't use an RPM-based distro, if your product is indeed GPL'd. Thanks, John
Those aren't RPM and DEB packages. Those are source packages Mandriva, Debian, SuSE,... has different comands for connecting to internet so I do source packages for different distro. If you have distro where have other comands write me and tell me commands.
with bash script do you have an option to uninstall this package ??? With a RPM no problem !!!!! please create a tarball
I can do script, but it's none needed, bacause you can remove slidsebar: -open konqueror -go to the it slidebar and rightclick remove
Ethernet: /etc/init.d/net.eth0 start /etc/init.d/net.eth0 stop PPPoE (ADSL): /etc/init.d/net.ppp0 start /etc/init.d/net.ppp0 stop (those are examples)
Thanks you can download Gentoo version.