Noatun Album Covers (not gimped anymore)

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements

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you may think the first picture is familiar looking (and you are correct), that is the normal way noatun looks. the seoncd one is my idea of how it /should/ look. Is this even possible via a plugin? or would you have to patch the noatun code? it would use the folder.png specs from freedesktop. This is obivously gimpified so dont expect code from me... for a while at least (i'm a scripter, but will get dirty if someone says this is possible)

first shot is normal

second shot is gimped

third shot is my work in progress
Last changelog:

ok decided to just port metz's work anyway (he wrote better code than me) i got it to compile by changing some 3.2 api calls with his help and i took out the configureable option in the plugin's config menu... i figured if you're taking the trouble to compile this against kde sources you must want it -- kde 3.2 will ahve the compiled option. i will upload code soon (i promise)

oh btw, metz's code was already submitted to cvs -- so you can consider my code a backport
w00t! i got some code down now. i based it on a patch metz patched against KDE CVS -- which didn't compile (darn!). the code has some of it based on the XMMS Sensor Patch for karamba. after a couple hours of KDE/QT API Documentation reading, here is my new screenshot. i will upload code as soon as i clean it up (amd make it acctually work). the third screenshot on here is real -- no gimping, i promise. I would like to make the album/trackname unbold --but it looks as if i will have to make a custom widget. it's late now maybe tomorrow while i clean up code. oh and the artist/track/album are just hardcoded by me. i'm going to find a way to get them read, from a tag or whatever (like lucky tag reader or tag reader would tell me). until then, tell me what you think of my new ss. if you're a coder any idea to read the ID3 information would be nice

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yeah, but instead of rewriting the id3 tagging i'd lke to use KDE's id3 tagging that is built int "kmetafileinfo" -- i'm not very good at c++, i'm relearning my C++ from windows and learning KDE/QT APIS... it's coming back to me :)


acctually, it looks as if the problem was not with how noatun read the id3, but with how my playlist (hayes) told noatun about the song playing :/ so id3 should already be interpreted by noatun, but the hayes playlist doesn't feed the correct title()... i'll look into the hayes playlist code to see if i can change that


you'll have to modify the young hickory plugin. You could also rig it into its own plugin, but I think the easiest way would be to just do it by means of young hickory. Patches are accepted :)


so... i got the sources. i'm guessing the best way about doing this is to create a dialog that pops up instead of the tooltip. I was looking at the sources, because that's what i assumed it did. i just found setToolTip which seems to be apart of KDE or QT (sorry i am new to qt dev) any any suggestions?


Hey njærdy ;) Hacked it up and will prolly commit this soon, maybe adding an option for the user first though.


so did you make the patch? i would appriciate it if i could see the code. email -- I could test it for you


Good for you that you had the email without typo in your user profile ;))


The CVS versions of Kopete had an icon in the window like that a while ago. You could ask how they did it.


The xmmssensor ( patch does this I believe, so maybe you could look to see how they implemented it and work it into a plugin/patch for noatun.


no programmer, but i like your idea. Fab

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