Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
It features automatically numbering of the multiple consoles inside the yakuake window, which then are accessible by the keyboard shortcuts
ALT-1, ALT-2, ... , ALT-9
(similar to the standard linux text-console, where it is ALT-F1, ...)
V. 2.9.6 - based on yakuake 2.9.6
* KDE-4 version (mostly the same features as the KDE-3 version, except that the sessions are not automatically named [1], [2], ... but instead use konsole/yakauke naming algorithm)
V. - added config options
* The main two features (namely auto number sessions and visible status bar) are now configurable in the quick options menu
V. 2.8 - based on yakuake 2.8
* Default skin a bit more green'isch (default-sb)
* still show title bar, when toggled up (to see status of running app)
* hide quit button when toggled up (to avoid clicking it by accident)
* when using a keyboard shortcut for a not (yet) existing tab, open a new one
* automatically name tabs [1] [2] [3] ... to correspond to the (default) keyboard shortcuts ALT-1, ALT-2, ALT-3,...
V. 2.7.5 - based on yakuake 2.7.5
* added Numbering of virtual consoles
* slightly greener default theme (but all other yakuake themes should work fine)
Ratings & Comments
after a long time without a kde-4 version of yakuake-sb patches: Here it is finally! (the official yakuake now already has most of the more common features of the older patches - thanks to Eike Hein, the yakuake maintainer!) But for some more geeky features (which probably shouldn't go into the official version) here are my patches for the kde-4 version. Hope you like it!
* still show title bar, when toggled up (to see status of running app) =Is annoying, and cannot switch off * when using a keyboard shortcut for a not (yet) existing tab, open a new one * automatically name tabs [1] [2] [3] ... to correspond to the (default) keyboard shortcuts ALT-1, ALT-2, ALT-3,... =Very good thing
Well, ok it's currently not possible to switch that off since I didn't see any point why it would be annoying :) It's set to "below all other windows" if toggled up ... so usually it won't interfere with anything (except your desktop-background). Or am I overlooking something here?
"It's set to "below all other windows" if toggled up ... so usually it won't interfere with anything (except your desktop-background). Or am I overlooking something here?" Yes, it's hiding the top part of the icons. It is surely a good thing, but maybe half of the people don't like it, so better to have the option to hide completely.
Ok, right. Good point! At first I did that patch primarily for my own use and to gather my ideas how to improve yakuake somehow. Therefore i tried to keep it as simple as possible. This makes it easy to merge it into newer versions of yakuake. But it's good to get such feedback to see what others think about it. I'll add a menu item for that! Stay tuned. Any more feedback welcome :)
Here you are. I'm happy to see this patch evolve :) Up to now it was simply like this: either use the patch with all its changes or use plain yakuake. Now you can select which of the new features you want in the quick options menu. Have fun with it!
I am using this from now on. Thanks a lot! :)
Yes it decreases vertical space when rolled out, which is an anoyance. Why do you need this space occupied if you can avoid it? Usability.
I seem do not quite understand what you mean by several pixels and wallpaper. I do not see any wallpaper when rolled out becasue yakuake is set to cover 100%!
ah - ok, now I get your point. Apparently I never set yakuake to roll-out 100% but am using it normally at 'round 60%. Of course you are to totally right - if you want it to cover the whole screen the title bar is wasting space. What do you think - is it better to have another option item to enable/disable the title bar, or should it just vanish if set to roll out to 100% ?
FWIW, the next version of the original Yakuake will have the same "Switch to Session #" shortcuts as Konsole itself has. And custom naming schemes can be implemented by talking to Yakuake via DCOP in ~/.bashrc or similar.
Nice. still promising a new version... I have seen it somewhere already. For sure you will add couple lines of code and call it a big bugfix. Btw it is probably elementary to add this patch into the main yakuake in couple of hours... Hotkeys are good, but the problem is the midnight commander uses these key combinations too. So not sure how to make it to work together.
> Nice. still promising a new version... I'm presently hoping to release a beta for the new Yakuake this weekend. It's largely rewritten over 2.7.5, and does offer dynamically adding and removing resizable horizontal and vertical splits, as well as many other new features and improvements.
Sounds cool! Do you use qt4 ? As far as I know new konsole based on qt4 will have this capability, don't know about the kpart. Anyway I would be interested to see your implementation of splitters. Dynamic splitters are a bit harder to do I am very curious.
No, it's still Qt3. I will only port to KDE4 when Robert has the improved Konsole KPart for KDE4 ready. Here's a teaser: http://www.eikehein.com/splits.png Still gotta do some polishing, and fix a few bugs, but I do think I'm close to publishing something now. Again, sorry for taking so long. I hope when the (pretty long) changelog is out people will be happy.
Very good! Probably hard to havigate with hotkeys with deep nesting. lol. This does look great. Not related to splitting. Please consider adding the option to turn of the annoying space consuming title bar. Thanks.
> Please consider adding the option to turn of the annoying space consuming title bar. ditto :)
Well ... but - the titlebar acts as window below all others when rolled-up, such that it is only visible if either yakuake-sb is rolled-out in the foreground (and you probably mostly want to see the actual window/console/whatever titel then) or if you do not have any windows covering it. So in my opinion it doesn't waste any screen-space that could be used otherwise. Or am I missing something? Well ok, it decreases your visible backgroud wallpaper size by some pixels, thats true ... but is that really the point you are commenting on?