Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements

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1.One should be able to drag url's from web pages or files or folders of all kinds into an empty part of the tab toolbar to create a new tab with that url or file or folder being the one viewed.

For example, if I drag the tab from one Konqueror window to empty space in the tab toolbar of another this should work. Just like if I drag a PDF on empty space in the tab area I expect it to open in a new tab and load. If I do the same with a folder I expect to see the open folder in that tab. And so on for everything Konqueror supports.

2.Tabs should resize automatically like in Mozilla to accommodate to more or less space. Dynamic tab resizing is an important feature for many users.

3. Tabs should be easily ordered using drag and drop like in Opera 7.1. This includes being able to drag and drop a tab to another Konqueror window's tab area. It also means that if a tab is dragged onto a Konqueror window that tab's contents will be displayed in that window.

Of course like in Opera 2 arrows pointing up and down appear when placing a tab in between others.

4.Tabs should have a close button either on them or Mozilla style depending on the user's preferences.

5.Tabs need to be able to be activated if the mouse hovers over for a user defined number of seconds and if this feature is even enabled. If the user hovers over a tab in an inactive window for the defined number of seconds, the window should be activated and that tab should become active.

6.Drag and drop files/folders/urls support between tabs.

For example if I have my home directory opened in my active tab and I have another tab open with my Documents folder and I want to move one folder to the documents tab, I should be able to simply drag and drop it on the Documents tab which would work exactly as if I was dragging and dropping things from one window to the other.

This should not work the way described above if it is obviously not possible.

For example if the user has dragged a Koffice file from a window to a tab with yahoo.com loaded in it, he obviously does not wish to copy or move it to yahoo.com which is an impossible action. Therefore, the user must be trying to view the content he dragged to that tab into that tab. Or if he is dragging a link from a website to a new tab that is blank or holding another website, than the link should be opened in that tab.

This may be a little confusing. But, for the user it is very natural, he wouldn't even think about such things.

7.Tabs dragged from the tab toolbar to a window should follow the behavior the user sets when he first attempts to do this or via the control center.

IE: If I tried to drag a tab into a window than I would be presented with a popup telling me what I have done and asking me what I want the default behavior for this action to be.

The contents of the tab will be duplicated into the window.

The user should decide if he wants the tab to disappear when dragged into a window or remain.

IE: If I had KDE.org open in that tab and I dragged this tab into another window than that window will also display KDE.org.

8.If a tab is not dragged into a Konqueror window, but instead it is dragged to the desktop, automatically a Konqueror window will open with that tab's contents unless the user disables this feature.

9.Most importantly, all KDE programs with tabs (like Kdevelop and Konsole) should follow the same behavior as Konqueror's tabs. Except with minor adjustments to fit the context. For example if I drag a konsole tab to the desktop I expect a Konsole window to open with that tab's contents, not a Konqueror window.

I know the KDE developers appreciate good suggestions and constructive criticism and always strive to make KDE the best desktop on any platform. This is precisely why I have made this list of feature requests. Implementing these features will make KDE a true multi-tasking desktop for the user and make it stand out more from all of the rest.

If you too believe these are important improvements that need to happen to KDE. Please vote for my reports: http://tinyurl.com/ef3m or help make it happen by donating your time or money to KDE. KDE developers take votes seriously, so if you want these features, don't think oh well its not goign to matter if I vote or not, because it will matter.

BTW: PLEASE REMOVE ALL YOUR VOTES FROM http://tinyurl.com/ex2k and instead vote for each bug report you want separately here http://tinyurl.com/ef3m
Last changelog:

- url to my bug reports now TINY!

- improved descriptions slightly of basic ideas, and split up bug reports, closed dupes

- Decided not to add link to each bug report, my bug reports change too fast new ones get fixed and others appear so fast that it would never be up to date here at KDE-LOOK.org Already Konqueror has Dynamic tab resizing, Galeon style tab closing and many of the features I wanted.

- I will be on vacation for the enxt month anda half so cya =)

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Please, please, please, power users can't play piano on the keyboard when tryin to open a new window with ctrl-shift-n. They need a quick and confortable shortcut as default, like the ctrl-t in mozilla. And make links open in new tab with the center-button wouldn't be a bad idea too. Regards...


Open Konqueror, go to Settings->Configure Konqueror, click 'Behavior' icon, and check "Open links in new tab instead of in new window." When you middle-click a link, it will open in a new tab.


True, but not in background by default, as you could in Galeon


See my comment above how to set up that behavior.


Its fine the way it is, there's no need to really change the default, though it would be nice to make links open in the background by default and have an easy shortcut ofr tabs by default its not necessery.


I will add that to my list too. but, i plan to resubmit the list with each wish being individual. also, if a tab is dragged to the kicker or desktop than should it become a new window featuring that tab's contents or a shortcut poiniting to the same location that that tab did or should this even be allowed? Anyway, i definetely do not think tabs should be able to be droppe don other progrrams and appear as new windows. The most consistent would be for tabs to be dropped on the desktop or panel and become shortcuts. Please tell me though, I'm not sure what to say in my wish.


I would like to be able to see on the tab-icon that the tab is loading (like in Mozilla). That is what I miss the most about the tab feature in konqueror.


What about having background tab by default, or possibility to have them by default ?


That feature is there already, go to 'Settings' > 'Configure Konqueror...' > 'Behavior' and deactivate the 'Automatically activate new opened tabs' check box.


Hi, I voted for your bug (20) because I like your ideas. However kde developers prefer _one_ single wish per report. This makes management easier as you can close bug per bug as developement evolves. With all in one, your bug will need to stay open till the last wish is fullfilled.


... and your bug report has just been closed for this very reason


Create a tab Mozilla-style with a button to the left of the first tab by default. Nice ideas. I would like to see them in KDE. On the topic of Konqueror, why isn't there a copy and paste option in the context menu? It seems like a natural way to do work in the file manager. This is my #1 complaint about that program, the tabs are functional and are low on my priority list.


There is a mozilla style tab creation button. The only thing that differs is that you can not place it on the tab toolbar, but you will probably soon be able to place it on the tab toolbar because many people want that. And what do you mean the file manager does not have copy paste. I can copy paste files just fine using the shortcuts. Please explain.


i believe there was a commit to CVS just today that added both add/remove buttons to the tab bar as well as close buttons that appear on hover.. i haven't recompiled to check it out yet, but that's what the CVS log msg said, so... here's hoping =0


Yes, that was supposed to be my #10, not adding close/add tab buttons but instead giving the user the ability to edit the tab toolbar like a normal toolbar and add or remove whatever buttons he or she wants to it. This would autoamtically allow the user to have add/close tab buttons. What would really rockis to have all KDE applications use Firebird 0.6 style Ui customization. The way you do it in Firebir dis just so easy, versatile and innvoative. I made a comment about this in my wishlist submission at bugs.kde.org.


If you highlight text in Konqueror, "right-clicking" will not give you a copy option in the context menu. You have to go to Edit, which is a real pain.


At the point you selected text you actually already copied it. Simply paste it by pressing your middle mouse button into eg. your text editor.


You have copied it only as long as that text is highlighted. if I go to another website clicka fw links and highlight stuff I can't copy that text only the copy like in windows will work like I want it to. he is right there should be a copy option, why have a copy to option when you obviously don't need it for text. THis is probably my biggest complaint with Konqueror, the stupid context menus they display everything even when you can't use lots of things and they aren't even shaded. They should just not be displayed when they can not be sued. For example I highlight text and it has open with as one of the options. I didn't really notice the copy problem because I always use the shortcut but this is another - in usability. Konqueror should be smarter and predic the user's msot likely actions and give him or her logical options. Another example of this is clicking an executable which will open up its source! Yes KDE users are all developers and want to hack the source.. This just shouldn't happen.

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