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Ratings & Comments
Why anyone running Debian (of all distros), would want their desktop to resemble Windows is beyond my comprehension.
Well for me: - Debian has an excellent package management system and synaptic - Windows looks good, well some of the vista screenshots do And what about people using *Ubuntu, Kanotix, Mepis, Knoppix, Xandros, Morphix, Yoper, ...
Damn! forgot to do what i came here to do: Thanks for the package, i could never get it to compile.
I don't know. What about them? I don't understand your question.
I needed this. Thanks!
Why anyone running Debian (of all distros), would want their desktop to resemble Windows is beyond my comprehension.
This package is not necessarily made only for a windows-like look. It's customisable and you can simply have an alternative to the standard look and feel of the KDE menu.
Perhaps, but the only screen shots I' ve seen up till now resenble the Windows start menu.
It was the poster's decision to only publish screenshots of XP-style menus. Doesn't necessarily mean that's all the addon is capable of doing, however. You will find that it's always best to try out the package than to rely on the screenshots to show you all the features.