add vidro small (screenshot 3)
Add some kicker themes
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add vidro small (screenshot 3)
Add some kicker themes
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i have suse 10.0 and the file name for where you copy the images is different. For me it is /opt/kde3/share/apps/kicker/pics/ instead of /usr/share/apps/kicker/pics/ so yea, if you could just add that as the file path name for copying the pics that would be great.
hi. where can I get the wallpaper from the first screenie? thanks.
How did you get translucency for your konqueror background?
I wonder that too
Using google translate.I would like that it was, but the konqueror does not have this effect. I obtained the effect placing the same image of wallpaper as deep of the window.
someone have to post this transparent konqueror background as a KDE4 brainstorm! This is perfect! ps. the transparency of the kicker is also not standard is it not?, there is a round edge in it.
the transparency of the kicker is provide by big-desktop kommander program in Big Linux.
I accept Aladrink's answer, but I do not Lunimare's one. Aladrink is a user determined by the trends, but Lunimare presented a design. What would happen if nobody followed the "tendency of market"? It could be the MS's fate, maybe Novell's. Linux is not a participant of the market, although the market is determined by Linux. SuSE was a good distribution till the 9.x series. SuSE 10.0 is slow and fails to install correctly on several computers. The DVD version of 10.1 cannot be installed on any computer. This could be the only affect of the market on SuSE. Linux becomes weak on the market. Linux can be strong only without the market. Linux is a right to use an OS on your computer. "If MS published an ugly theme, nobody would want to copy it." I am not sure of that. Every Windows user not using Linux believe to MS's advertising: "Windows is the best and the only useful OS on PC's". "New things and old things will continue to be invented and reinventeds and the consumption mass will decide the way to follow." The designers' task is to determine the consumption and not to be determined by the consumption. The designer is who invent and reinvent things and not the consumption. The desing is before the consumption.
What would happen if everybody followed the "tendency of market"? Who will create new things? I mean things do not follow the "tendency of market". Every new think is "out". Then they will determine the new trends. Do MS determine the Linux trends? Or we, Linux users?
What would happen if everybody followed the "tendency of market"? What would happen if nobody followed the "tendency of market"? Who will create new things? I mean things do not follow the "tendency of market". Would will create things people enjoy and actively want? Every new think is "out". Then they will determine the new trends. Every new thing is new. Not 'in' or 'out'. Something doesn't become 'in' until it is widely wanted, and it doesn't become 'out' until people are sick of it. Do MS determine the Linux trends? Or we, Linux users? Users. If MS published an ugly theme, nobody would want to copy it. No mystery there.
Yes users of course. MS and Linux two great companies. One voracious capitalist.Another socialist corporation spread by all around the world. Growing at top speed but disorderly. Support in succeed and error. Taking off ideologies. Both produces a "tool" to serve the users and the market research only serves to say what we want.Not oppose. New things and old things will continue to be invented and reinventeds and the consumption mass will decide the way to follow.
I have not problem with your work. I have only problem with the left corner, down. The kbfx delays the KDE startup about 5-10 sec. It is a Vista imitation and strange on Linux systems, so cannot be integrated. The transparency is not from the Vista, it is from xfree/xorg. It can be integrated into Linux, but not into Windows. So, Vista is slow. Linux never will become to Vista. There is not two identical things is the world. Keep your own work, but do not continue MS's work on Linux.
no no no. You don't understand. Linux is free.If peoples wants a button in the kicker, they'll have one. This is the reason of kbfx success in kdelook. Here,the majority makes things thinking about what we wants.MS do it. Exists a term "tendency of market" that all have to follow. If not you are out.Take a look at the cars, clothes and songs in the streets everything seems imitation.Vista look is determinate by us, not by MS.
Hey man, keep your work. Greatings from a Brazilian Ekaatyan.
I would like to say Thx for sharing your work to others. I respect your taste of a style, so don't stop your work, because there are some peoples who like this style on their Linuxbox. To the other one, hey boy keep more open minded ;) This is Linux and not the beginn of an OS-War. But some persons don't understand this ;) Greets
the transparent kside-bar is nice
Why Linux users dream about Vista? Linux has more value and future than Windows. XGL can be installed on your existing computer, you need not to by a new one and an air conditioner. A background picture is not only about... (I have not voted.)
That which is Above is like that which is Below.
Mamby because it looks nice. Sometimes I don't like Linux when it comes to style. Of cours, Linux is better than Windows, and Windows will never be as good, but Windows makes nice and uncomplecated designs. Some user just dont know how to use Linux because of the design, but these are only some.