Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:like in the screenshot.... and ofc my
bespin config file to go with them.
I'm merely experimenting so if this stuff
eats your cat then too bad for you, use at own risk.
dolphin -stylesheet /path/to/dox.qss
example use:
(first extract content to home folder)
mkdir ~/.qss
mv dox.qss ~/.qss
dolphin -stylesheet ~/.qss/dox.qss
Example use2, aka "install":
go to System Settings -> Default Applications -> File Manager -> Other -> Edit "Dolphin" and append "-stylesheet ~/.qss/dox.qss" to the command field under the application tab, dolphin should be launched with the stylesheet by krunner and menu.
example 2 by: Nicholas Aaron S
For those interested, full shot:
Modified the docks a little bit to
fit better in with bespin, included
the bespin config, and added some
fance hover effects (should light up
like a x-mas tree now ;-)
full shot: http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/5256/shots.png
Ratings & Comments
I don't know if it's due to the latest bespin, but the frame of "Folders" view seems to be on the wrong side of the scrollers. http://www.imageviper.com/displayimage/156616/0/bug.png
Thanks a lot for reporting! Same thing happened to me when I upgraded to kde 4.5 beta2? Did you do this? However, there is afaik no way of fixing this :) that's when I started my finder project: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Haxsder?content=126210 As you can see the there is no borders there :) Send me pm if you are willing to test it. //Robert
btw, what theme is that? It is a kde4 theme right? Cheers
Thx! theme is bespin! is indeed a kde4 theme :D
Well, it's not perfect, but if you go to System Settings -> Default Applications -> File Manager -> Other -> Edit "Dolphin" and append "-stylesheet ~/.qss/dox.qss" to the command field under the application tab, dolphin should be launched with the stylesheet by anything other than a launcher ( which would have to have the stylesheet appended manually ), it would work with krunner, plasmoids, and such, right? *is a newb* xD
Nice! Didn't think of that, I havent tried it yet but I think krunner calls /usr/bin/dolphin directly yesno? if not, then this would indeed be a good solution! //Robert
Looks to me like it's running fine, when I use a folder view plasmoid or krunner it loads with the style *Celebrates* it's just the stuff in kmenuedit that I had to append the stylesheet line to ( So far ) :D
:D sounds good! still tho, to be sure, do a killall dolphin then try and run dolphin from krunner :) //Robert
Yes, well I've been using it all say, restarted a few times, killall'd and all that stuff, xD seems fine.
Great! Gonna update description :)
Yay!! I look forward to more cool creations from you in the future :O
Yes, well I've been using it all day, restarted the OS a few times, killall'd and all that stuff, xD seems fine.
Your modding stuff is the best out there. I'll take my hat off for that. I also encouraging you to continue on your icon theme, it's brilliant! Question; How did you remove the big dots between 'Places', 'Folders' and the 'Window'? They are quite annoying and fill up spaces.
through qss. however i just added a secret option (r. 1112) add "DrawSplitters=false" to ~/.config/Bespin/Style.conf [Style] they're required to hint that this layout can be altered w/o hovering the splitter (getting a cursor update)
Thanks. I'll update bespin. @ TheRob By the way what's the name of the font type you use.
Thx for the compliments man! the font is proxima nova. //Robert
...and and the fixed width font (text editor) is consolas :)
I need to know what you bottom panel is. Please, please! :D Just an hint...
Sry, can't help you here, it's not publicly released and the author asked me to stfu so my hands are tied here.
Sad. However, could we at least know if/when the panel will be avaiable (approximately)? If you could ask the author it would be nice. However i downloaded your .qss, but it has absolutely no effect on my Dolphin. It only eliminates "File", "Modify" and so on? It doesn't seem to do so on my system (Arch, 4.4)
He doesnt know :) about the qss, you do use bespin right? plus you do use one of the docks shown in the screenshot? if yes, then please post output of dolphin -stylesheet /path/to/dox.qss //Robert
Please pardon the noobness, but I don't get what you mean with "docks", however my dolphin is confgured similar to yours. here is the output: [adriano@myhost ~]$ dolphin -stylesheet ~/.qss/dox.qss [adriano@myhost ~]$ dolphin(4379)/kdecore (services) KMimeTypeFactory::parseMagic: Now parsing "/usr/share/mime/magic" dolphin(4379)/kdecore (services) KMimeTypeFactory::parseMagic: Now parsing "/home/adriano/.local/share/mime/magic" dolphin(4379)/kdecore (KConfigSkeleton) KCoreConfigSkeleton::writeConfig: dolphin(4379)/kdecore (KConfigSkeleton) KCoreConfigSkeleton::writeConfig: dolphin(4379)/kdecore (KConfigSkeleton) KCoreConfigSkeleton::writeConfig: dolphin(4379)/kdecore (KConfigSkeleton) KCoreConfigSkeleton::writeConfig: dolphin(4379)/kdecore (KConfigSkeleton) KCoreConfigSkeleton::writeConfig: Object::disconnect: Unexpected null parameter dolphin(4379)/kdecore (KConfigSkeleton) KCoreConfigSkeleton::writeConfig: kDebugStream called after destruction (from void KDirWatchPrivate::removeEntry(KDirWatch*, KDirWatchPrivate::Entry*, KDirWatchPrivate::Entry*) file /home/phil/kdemod/core/kdelibs/src/kdelibs-4.4.3/kio/kio/kdirwatch.cpp line 950) Cancelled INotify (fd 10, 1) for "/home/adriano/.local/share//user-places.xbel"
Well the docks are what I'm tryin to theme here, the ones that has the titles "Places", "Folders" and so on :) It doesn't seem to complain anything about not finding the file or whatev... so please a screenshot so I can see it has indeed not loaded the stylesheet :) ....and you are using the bespin style right? //Robert
Here it is: http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/452/dolphinv.png On the left the normal Dolphin with all the docks, on the right with the sylesheet. I can't spot any difference (maybe I'm really bumb, dunno)!
try this: killall dolphin dolphin -stylesheet ~/.qss/dox.qss if you have dolhin running then it just starts another instance with the same settings.... sry should have mentioned this. Anyways, the docks will not fit at all with that color scheme so maybe not use it at all then. //Robert