The Way that KDM should look

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements

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It's only idea-don't ask me how to get kdm look like this from screenshots. For today it's impossible to make kdm look like this.
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Hi guys! I decided too show to all world "the way that KDM should look". I think that KDM is today the worst login manager from all Desktop Environments. Look at GDM-beautiful!!, Windows login manager-very nice. And KDM? Sorry, but so great desktop environment as KDE should have better login manager. So KDE developers-please write better login manager. I'm not a programmist yet, but I can help with design and in projecting config file if someone will decide to do it.
Ps.1.There's nothing to download-only screenshots
Ps.2. Sorry for my bad english
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nice logon ;)


It's a little like Windows XP login manager, but for me (except the name "Gosia" - name of my ex-girlfriend;) it's great. Have you put it in "KDE4 Brainstorm"? I think you shuold. Chhers from south coast of Poland :-)))


Well, in kdm 3.5.1 there's userlist, the only thing missing is that I didn't found a way to make userlist background transparent.


Well, I don't like *this* one so much, there are a lot of more interesting gdm like themes. But I agree the recent unthemed kdm is outmoded and for the themed kdm there must be a place where the users and their "faces" are listed. I would prefer a slider at the left side (sliding out when you touch the left side with the mouse or hit a special key) that might look like the left side you created but with individual icons.


The left bit is the bit i have the problem with. Say it lists the users you have, seen as you showed no means of filtering - Some systems have hundreds of users, in which that would be useless. I think a good idea would be to have autocomplete for usernames in the top box, but the overall look, just looks really wierd and windows-amateur type.. I mean, it looks lil better than the current, but looks really oddly designed. anyways, nice try.


Now when new KDM containing the themeable things in side of it has been relased I think that someone should make these into themes. I'll try to make these out if it is all right for pp. :)


Its Awesome! I dont like the green fields personally, but overall its great! Oh and if it were up to me, Id put the command buttons on the login dialog -- bottom right, and the login icons -- top left for each field


pretty windowzy, but i agree, a customizable kdm login screen would be nice, especial with voice recognition and optional keyboard input, that would kick ass, i've been looking around for it and the closest thing there is, is the discontinued cvoicecontrol.


cool way to display time/date/shutdown, etc...looks good, but one thing aint right, whats the point of having to type usr id, in the password window if you have user selection on the left. Integrate user id with password, like win xp, but different, eg: [user1]>>>[password] [user2] so when you select user, a slot appears next to the name asking you for your password.


actually, i like how you can either click the user or type it in, in case you for some reason dont want a user to be displayed you can still log in.


Umm... have you guys never heard of Qt designer, ui files, and libqui?


I understand what your getting at, but Im only suggesting a markup (call it 'kdml') to arrange a few defined elements with graphical appeal. HTML (or the variants) has had this job for awhile and the faults and strengths are well known. Its not necessary to parse a true 'web page', just a layout, which is all html was really meant for.


Hope I'm not missing some obvious thread about this, but if you have a framebuffer setup, you could do this with qingy (qingy is a framebuffer getty program). So, basically, you'd take this pic, put in the x and y coords of the login pw boxes and you'd be set. Just have it jump straight into kde if you want.


Oh yeah, as of this post, the latest version of qingy only supports one combo box and that is for session. (In other words, I don't think you could use it for listing the users down the side.. but, if enough people are interested, email the devoloper or try and hack it in).. Anyway, it looks better than the alternatives.


well well well.........this is crap ....not just this but kde is turning big and bloat ....not big and bloat as in performance but big and bloat as in look and feel....just my opinion


If you would like a mere window manager rather than a desktop environment, there are plenty of them out there.


How is HTML insecure? You should be worried about how (if) they actually process the HTML/XHTML. If proper string and memory checking are implemnted properly in the actual intrepter, there should be no problems. But what I think your going for here is to use a CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) to configure the entire KDM look and feel, you can even hack together a small WYSIWYG HTML/XML/XHTML/Whatever interpreter. Since KDM runs as root, there is very much need for proper variable checking as I remember a few local KDM exploits out there in the past. So as long as they fly the straight and narrow when coding, regardless of what they use, it should be fine.


I like it, I think it's a great idea but, the whole html stuff. Well I don't know, html isn't very secure. There must be some other way of doing it without use the evil html. Cheers, The BorgQueen and The Roaming Gnome.


The KDE Developers (im lacking :| ) should consider using an HTML (XHTML) framework for the KDM Interface, thus it would be simple to arrange the form and visual objects in any desired manner (and respect held for the security of such an interface). Like the layout and hope someone is there to write it.


Well I think QT saves it's ui files in XML format, and there's kommander that also uses XML. I think KDE needs a good UI abstraction so that interface problems and functionality problems can be addressed separately. It would also allow half of the kde 'improvements' to be implemented and tested.


Where can I get the background fro mkthe first screenshot? Thanks! Really nice this proposal!


KDE is a vgood desktop so it should als have a vgood login, your design is cool, too bad they can't implement it into the system Zgadzam sie z toba, KDE powinien wygladac lepiej;) przeciez to jest przefajny X' szkoda ze nie moge ci pomodz ;)


Yes, kdm allows some costomization but nothing like the design that you showed us here. And I think what you showed us is awesome!!! I can't wait to see KDM getting this kind of look!!!!


I'm with you too, i think KDM could have a better design, i wonder the Kdevelopers can do it !


if nothing is impossible how come there's so much of it about?

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