Kickoff-qt on Kubuntu 7.04

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements

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Opensuse Kickoff QT desktop panel for KDE is an effort to maximize the user experience.
Kicker QT can be used as a program launcher, load plugins and uses qtcurve for that eye candy we like.

Not for Newbies!!!
Use at your own risk!!!
Reboot after installing
Last changelog:

* Updated control file to handle dependencies
* Enabled "Use custom colors" functionality
* Sysinfo now works with
* Removed Suse Branding and replaced with KDE icon linking to
* Changed the switch option to show "Switch to Kickoff QT Menu Style"
* Replaced Suse Launch button with Revaline's_Launch_Menu_v4.0 Blue button

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hello the links are broken.


Any way to install this on Fedora 8? I really like it! Also, what's that wallpaper and style you're using?


broken link for download liblazy. please upload in other servidor


Hi, this package didn't work for me. It needed several packages that I either couldn't find, or conflicted with the system. Here's what I did instead. Taken from wget sudo dpkg -i kicker-kickoff_1_i386.deb This package doesn't need any extras installed. It "Just Works". Enjoy!


Don't care what others say, I really think it's way cool. Installing the smallest file, was a breeze. Thanks a lot, I love it!


where can I find a simple qtcurve package? the dependency is qtcurve but all I'm finding is qtcurve-kde3 packages...


I can't understand you. It's very different to the Vista-Launchmenu. The Vista-Menu hasn't got Tabs. Kickoff has much more Features than the Vista-Menu.


please consider proper packaging, it's dangerous to distribute checkinstall files and after all, it's not very usable if a dependency is missing


If you're going to bring something to the table..serve it! What do you suggest my good fellow? Details please.


Never mind I get you point and I found the How to. Documentation...umm the control file is read and dependencies searched for but you can do all that in checkinstall, right? So whats the difference?


You won't get the unwanted g++ and gcc files (okay, that's a checkinstall 1.6.1 bug). And you have a deb with dependencies.


So I could downgrade but you have peaked my intrest so there is no turning back. Thanks


Looking at the screenshots clarifies the fact that M$ community accuses opensource folks of plagiation. Its so sad that Vista interface is copied so shamelessly... I hope someone could someday invent something new in opensource community instead of just copying cool stuff from M$.


Yes it is to believe M$ is the originator of anything original except pirating.


Oh yeah...I forgot buying companies out like Suse/Opensuse among others....Doh!


Is plagiation.a real word.....hummm. pj


I use M$ everyday but did you notice M$ new Server (Longhorde) offers (Core Servitude) with no Gui just know who.


what the heck are you talking about? ever heard about kbfx? they had this idea way before they announced it would be in vista. if anything, MS ripped off open source... again.


For Ruffinius: Nope, M$ is not the only source of original things, and yes - they do copy lots of things, I believe. Apologies for my mis-spelled / mis-used / wrong words, however that is not the issue. For-what-its-worth (tm someone) I think your screenshots are really cool and pleases the eye but still, its a imitation / plagiate of aero. Graphical appearence of Kickoff for kubuntu is too similar to aero. Please don't excuse yourself by saying that MS will copy / imitate linux by not having GUI in servers?! Thats so far fetched. You must have done lots of work for this and you have done good work, keep it up. Remember though that it is easy to take already completed thing and modify something to resemble it than to create something completely new. don't take critique so hard, try to embrace it and learn from it. For rufsketch1: kbfx was started in june 2005, aero was first time introduced to world in press on july 2005 (aero information taken from wikipedia, is or isnot correct date). So I don't believe on those basis that M$ ripped OS.


Point taken my good fellow. I am sure many would say aero was trying to look like MAC and now the MAC core is based Linux BSD with a UNIX flavor.Nothing compares to Compiz and Beryl so there you have it...something original from opensource and you can bet M$ developers have been hitting those project sites for a while now, I know because they are being tracked. Criticism is opportunity knocking Thank you


What do you think the reason was for making a new Server without a GUI? I value your opinion so please provide a logical answer.


Sorry but I don't quite follow. Are you talking about the look? If you've used KDE you know that you can configure it to match your tastes. Obviously many people come from using Windows, it's nothing strange if they make their KDE look like what they're familiar with? As far as I know, this is far from the default Suse look. Talking about the menu? I haven't tried Vista (nor Kickoff to be honest), but what I've seen they work quite different.


Somebody says "Ignorance is pretty brave". Clearly pictured here. Let's collect a liitle bit more information: 1.- MAC OS spotlight feature (around 2002): 2.- Beagle Linux feature: this project is an attempt in Linux to bring spotlight feature to Linux desktops, starts when XP were launched, around 2002. This feature is on development yet and will probably be included integrated on the desktop on KDE4. SuSE just integrated a little bit earlier, since Novell is a direct competitor of Microsoft. In Gnome desktop, Novell also includes beagle integrated on a different menu style. MAC and Linux takes ideas one from the other all the time (spaces is basically an adaptation of Novell 3D desktop, keyring is an improvement of kwallet idea -that works very poorly at the moment-, that GNOME is now trying to catch). In fact, Win95 is an Apple 89 rip off, and Windows Vista is a MAC OS X (based on Berckeley Unix Distribution) rip off on the stetical aspect. Besides, Novell's KDE menu is different to Vista and MAC OS, since there are several sections, such as applications, favorites, computer, and logout. 3.- Is it important the features that desktops includes? Is it here the importance of the opensource? I don't think so. Do you think that in the future there would be PCs? Or would be mobile phones? Or may be small terminals integrated all over your environment (desktop, fridge,...)? In such a complex scenario, would be a good idea to keep different development islands (different technologies for different platforms) making life more and more complicated to the developer, or better to share a same common development platform for everyone? I don't know which is going to be the future, but it looks like that Google would have a better position than M$, since Internet services over fast networks seems to have a better future than software licenses. You can access to a service through whatever the interface you use (PC, mobile, terminals, ...). I'd like to have a centralized point where I collect all the information related to a company, a house or whatever I need to control, and give open access to them. More than that, if you want to develop fast a project, it is much better to have something already done and just adapt it to the specific environment you have, not having to develop same kind of applications over and over again. Just see moodle, as cooperative environment. Universities all over the world are integrating them. Probably if they find problems, they will fix them and that's how this particular tool is getting bigger and bigger, better and better. It is not simple to adapt, but some companies can make some money making the adaptation to the customer needs. Of course, much cheaper for the customer than a complete installation and will include support of the developers. So, it would be a good idea to get a little bit more information before posting anything, so we can really share ideas, instead of just attack things that we don't like (without even know why so many people are making so many efforts in a concrete direction). César


I had the same problem with g++, gcc and binutils when using the Kubuntu 7.04 checkinstall (1.6.1). It's a known bug. Here you can download an old version (maybe a dapper version). Remove the 1.6.1 completly and install the old version and it won't package gcc, g++ and binutils files anymore.


Hi can you make a OpenSUSE version :)LOL! This one looks better than the original SUSE version!

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