KISE - Konqueror Intuitive Search Ext.
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:HOWTO SETUP
in Konsole:
chmod +x install.sh
cinemas:las vegas -> all films in Las Vegas
book:j.r.r. tolkien -> all books from Tolkien
images:KDE -> KDE images
This package provides new search engines for
Konqueror. Some are designed to replace their ori-
ginal versions, and some are totally new.
Since I release some time ago the 'musikugel',
which provides exactly such desktop files for
music search, I of course included them in this
So what's the point behind? - I'm searching a lot
actually most stuff with Google, and I disliked to
enter the URL by hand or remember a totally
strange shortcut (e.g. gg).
Why not enter 'search:'? It's even more intuitive
and also a lot more rememberable. So you talk to
Konqueror in some way, you say 'movie:red dragon'
and Konqueror will lead you to the Google movie-
search showing up "Red Dragon (2002)".
* album,albums
* artist,artists
* blog,blogs,ggb,ggblog,gb,googleblogsearch
* catalog,catalogue,catalogs,catalogues,
* cinema,cinemas,ggcinemas
* shopping,buy,froogle
* search,gg,google
* group,groups,dj,deja
* image,images,ggi
* movie,movies,ggmovie
* newssearch,ggn,googlenews
* linux,gli,gglinux,ggli,googlelinux
* map,maps,local,locals,glo,gglocal,googlelocal
* music,musicsearch
* book,books,ggprint,googleprint
* school,ggscholar,googlscholar
* song,songs
* video,videos,ggvideo,googlevideo
* Konqueror
* root access
* bugfix
* add 'map:los angeles' etc.
* installation doesn't work as root (yet)
Ratings & Comments
Why not just change the keywords for the existing searches, or add new ones there? (I haven't tried the app yet, because I don't see the point, so I might be missing something :)
yup, you're missing something :-P from the description: "This package provides new search engines for Konqueror. Some are designed to replace their ori- ginal versions, and some are totally new." >Why not just change the keywords for the existing searches, or add new ones there? seems like this is what I've done ;-) maybe I should clarify this in the description?
I think you should add the Pubmed Medical Database search engine. This will be very useful for doctors, vets and other scientists. This is the file "pubmed.desktop": [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Type=Service Name=Pubmed scientific database Name[ca]=Base de dades científica Pubmed Name[es]=Base de datos científica Pubmed Keys=pubmed,pm Query=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=PubMed&term=\\{@} ServiceTypes=SearchProvider Type=Service
"Pubmed.desktop" (now correct):
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Pubmed scientific database
Name[ca]=Base de dades científica Pubmed
Name[es]=Base de datos científica Pubmed
Query=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=PubMed&term=\\{@} ServiceTypes=SearchProvider
I don't see a reason why a "normal" user would need it. but well, you can release it yourself: * grab the script at http://dev.bit-freaks.net/apachelogger/playground/kise-script.tar.gz * copy the desktop file into the searchproviders folder * edit the README * release it
Well, the normal use won't need it at all. I'll release it just in case somebody needs it.
This is very cool - now I can press Alt+F2 and search for images. File a wish to bugs.kde.org and ask to include it into kde. Keep it up!
i agree, this is much better than the current unintuitive shortcuts...
Well, the whole system would need some changes, if it shell also be ultra usable (which is the aim for KDE 4 I think). Just changing/add those shortcuts isn't a solution I'd like to see in konqui. So I'll work out a concept and then submit a wish. And thanks for the compliments :-)