Kicker Pager
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
My period of procrastination is over and I would like to develop Kicker Pager into future KDE releases. I really appreciate your ideas and feedback.
Update: Fixed compilation errors.
REALLY resizes appropriately on smaller panels.
Cleaner configuration panel.
Configuration bugs (options not being saved).
Notification on desktop change (configurable).
Code cleanups.
Much needed attention and motivation...
Resizes appropriately on smaller panels.
Border / text colour is now configurable.
Migration to a seperate configuration file from KPager.
Added a right-click context menu, with a menu item to the "Multiple Desktops" configuration.
Few more code clean ups.
0.1 - 0.2
Orientation and resizing updated with Kicker.
Compilation problems for KDE 3.1 fixed - it seems that the CVS KWin (kwin.h) API has changed slightly and isn't backwards compatible. When the current stable release is at that stage, I'll update Kicker Pager to take advantage of the new API.
Code cleanups.
Initial Announcement (and headache).
Ratings & Comments
Great plugin. Been using it for about a year now since 3.3.. Works great!!! Please try to get it into KDE future releases as this is 1000 times better than the stock pager...
Kicker Pager panels are squares, but most screens are oblongs. So when I select to view windows in my Pager, they have odd layouts or are not in true proportion to the real windows on my desktop. The solution I feel would be to reserve an area of each kicker panel for painting, that is proportional to the screen being used?
Kicker Pager panels are squares, but most screens are oblongs. So when I select to view windows in my Pager, they have odd layouts or are not in true proportion to the real windows on my desktop. The solution I feel would be to reserve an area of each kicker panel for painting, that is proportional to the screen being used? Thanks, Peter
Can please add support for KDE 3.4. Also can you SuSE Linux x86/x86_64 rpms. Thanks
For me, it compiles quite happily with KDE 3.4.1.
hi... I'm new to Linux. I just d/l this adds-on and couldn't install it using ./configure; make; & make install commands. any help will be appreciated. thanks... cheers...
Hi. I'm also new to Linux and had some difficulties, but overcame them. I was (am) using Debian Linux -- the Sarge one. To configure, I had to use: ./configure --with-qt-includes=/usr/share/qt3/include --with-qt-libraries=/usr/share/qt3/lib Because of some odd problems which, fortunately, google showed others had already found a way around. Afterwards, it worked but didn't do anything until I tried copying the files it created (after running make and make install, of course.) I'm pretty sure some of these directories are wrong or redundant, but... /usr/local/kde/lib/libkpager.la to /usr/lib/kde3/libkpager.la and /usr/share/apps/kicker/applets/libkpager.la /usr/local/kde/share/applnk/Utilities/kpager.desktop to /usr/share/applnk/Utilities/kpager.desktop /usr/local/kde/share/apps/kicker/applets/kickerpager.desktop to /usr/local/kde/share/applnk/Utilities/kickerpager.desktop and /usr/local/kde/share/apps/kicker/applets/kickerpager.desktop and /usr/share/applnk/Utilities/kickerpager.desktop and /usr/share/apps/kicker/applets/kickerpager.desktop I really love this applet; use it all the time.
Version 0.3.1 crashes when I send to tray programs like amule. Actually, I didn't try any other "trayable" Gtk app, but I'm sure that most of KDE apps don't let kicker pager to crash. Anyway, great app!
Any chance of adding multiple rows within the app?
Any chance of updating things for 3.2 or 3.3 when it comes out in a few months? Or is it all ready set to go into 3.3?
I just compiled this kicker against 3.3.0-rc2 and it works perfect. Give it a shot.
Sorry.. I mean pager, not kicker....
I use Kicker Pager on a daily basis. Could you add mouse-wheel support to it? That's about the only feature the regular pager has that Kicker Pager does not.
This is exactly what I wanted. "Kpager" in the panel. Much better than the mundane default kicker pager. I think this would be a good replacement for the current default pager.
You're right. I've been wondering what was causing it so I played around with this switch and sure enough it is causing the random crashes here as well I'm running it on MDK 10.0CE with 3.2.3.
Has anyone else noticed that kicker pager will bring down kicker occasionally if the "show background" option is enabled?
i have a resolution of 2560x1024 and kickerpager should be twice as wide.
Hi epoch, I made slight modification to 0.3.1 Kicker Pager for what I wanted. I posted it at http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=13771 If you like it, how about merging it in your code base? thanks, Osho
Hi epoch, I made slight modification to 0.3.1 Kicker Pager for what I wanted. I posted it at http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=13771 If you like it, how about merging it in your code base? thanks, Osho
Nice App. It complied and installed fine on FC2.
Sounds nice, but I can not get it to work. It compiles & installs fine, but when I add the applet to kicker, it is not shown. There is only this arrow for Moving and removing it. How can I fix this ? Thanks, Thomas
I have this on almost every applet.
should be twice as wide with two screens.... I've compile with --xinerama, does not change much ... i dont know . actually, I did not try WITHout --xinerama but it works, and its better thanks. maybe you should share idea with kpager2 and enlightenment. thanks.
gentoo ebuild
I did the configure with no errors followed by the make with no errors followed by the make install with no errors. But when I go and right click on the KDE bar and add applet, its not listed. I am still very new to Linux and so forgive me if I screwed up some terminology or if this is a stupid question. Thanks in advance. SCuM