Theme Idea from GNOME Community

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements

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I picked these screenshots from a Gnome discussion ( and likes to see anyone dares to start a style from our side as well [Don't forget we already have the deco - CRYSTAL as well and only transparency for menubar and status bar to be done in style (plastic - as a start) ]

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scratch that, i didnt notice this was in 2005, ignore the last part of that comment


That's how Windows Vista is going to look. I'm not sure I want that "feature" on my boxes. You'd better emulate Mac UI instead.


Surely it would be better not to emulate any desktop, and come up with something original?


yeah, but was it really nessesary to mention that? when you do it becomes less about "oh i dont like this theme" and more like "oh it looks like Vista so i dont like this theme, i like --> [B][U]MAC[U][B] <-- interface better" Besides no offense but that looks nothing like windows vista...


You might find this maybe possible in the future especially with the X Composite Manager. I think any one with a lot of programming skill will be able to do it with transset-df. When transparency is on the windows it will need to render blur. This can give your system a huge beating.


Come up with a theme that looks like this, and I'll switch to KDE in a heartbeat!


OOohhhh ! Very nice ! I would download it now if I could... anyone ?


That is truley beautiful. I haven't seen anything that slick in a very long time.


Impossible due to X server restrictions. And even if X would allow it, The background would be tricky.


Living behind moon? xorg 6.8 is out with xcomposite extension.


not to mention its laready been done on xfree86...


I find myself suprised to say this, but this looks great and usable.


They also blurred the background which is shining through. That's a little bit more complicated (especially in terms of computing power) than regular transparency, but it looks truly stunning. I hope that there will be an API for window decorations which allows such effects..


Transparent windows may be useful during dragging...I think :-)


This (translucency) is not possible on XFree < RC6.8 (no way) On X6.8 this feature cannot really be provided by the style, but must be supported by the windowmanager (kwin, the decos don't have enough acces to the window structure to do so) I you (or anyone) writes a patch for kwin though, this will hold for all applications (whether qt or not) and on all styles. Basically one will have to write ones own implementation of the composite manager (and it's probably a good idea to let this operate on kwin) Dunno, if patches for kwin are allready in development (as x6.8 isn't final yet and afaik nvidia and ati (are there other gpus around ;) haven't released conforming xservers yet)


The user experiences of the pre-versions of R6.8 are encouraging, to say the least, even if real transparency may not be 100% complete/reliable in the upcoming release. And then, of course, it has to be integrated into Kde. Gnome certainly seems to be a bit further in integrating the new technology into its desktop (Metacity is already capable of exploiting real transparency.) Considering the demand for 'fake transparency' in Kde, the real thing will be very popular. And for the people who'll hate it: it will be an option, just like color settings and the like.


full ack (6.8 is great :) i just wanted to point out: 1. this is not related to the style but to the windowmanager (if) 2. not on the current (classic, 6.7) xservers i wonder if anyone is allready writing patches for kwin, or if this should rathjer be excluded (like xcompmanager) to allow developers to implement unique implementations of the composite engine (somehow like the decos are) - while some parameters could create allmost any shade of user interactive translucency effects (i also wonder if anyone feels capable to write something operating on the texture/shader parts of the gpu)


Transparency in windows is a cool feature, but in my opinion not very useful. But we can use it for usability. Example: In KDE it is possible to have, lets say a maximized window in the background and a small window in the foreground, but it is still possible to scroll or click in the maximized window without sending the small window to the background, where I can not see it. I think it would be a cool feature if this small window would turn semi-transparent, so that I can see everything of the big window. Another big advantage would be to turn other windows in the background semi-transparent and if you can activate them and bring them on top by clicking the space where this window (semi-transparent) is located. To make this more usable, any window should have a button to switch it to "not active" to make it semi-transparent and see all windows on your current desktop. I think that would be a very useful feature in KDE (at least for me), if someone is interested, I could make some mockups.


I like it. It may be destracting sometimes... but... hey.. it's great for showing off... ;-)


I think the transparancy is only distracting...

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