Description: What about to add some patch for kmix. see screenshots, how I will wont see a kmix What are you think about this?
At screenshots you can see:
1)transparent kmix popup. 2)Rounded corners of a window with light borders.
rounded corners whould be cool, absolutely. but making it transparant needs support, and KDE doesnt have that (yet). Hope for KDE 3.4... but its more likely to end up in KDE 4.0!
but its fake transparancy, slow, and hard to code (now its just a normal widget). so thats not really efficient, and not really 'KDE' (no code re-use, waste of memory).
so I say dont do it (and believe me, they wont).
Ratings & Comments
this one is a no brainer! that one really rocked!
KDE developers to look into this, post a feature wish on After that post the URL here, so that we can vote for it.
I strongly support this look of kmix popup. Beautiful... Thanks.
rounded corners whould be cool, absolutely. but making it transparant needs support, and KDE doesnt have that (yet). Hope for KDE 3.4... but its more likely to end up in KDE 4.0!
It doesn't need xorg. It is possible to use a transparency as at all panels kde. kmix scroolbar is a static widget
but its fake transparancy, slow, and hard to code (now its just a normal widget). so thats not really efficient, and not really 'KDE' (no code re-use, waste of memory). so I say dont do it (and believe me, they wont).
and you might try to code this yourself (and see how hard/easy it is) and send the patches to the kmix mantainer.
I'm not developer. I only can draw