Taskbar v2 (flat + thumbnails)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
o flat and transparent (if kicker is transparent)
o animated thumbnail views (animation equations correspond to kpager2)
You probably need to restart kicker after adding the taskbar.
based on taskbar of kde 3.2
FIX the file modification times first:
find . -print -exec touch {} ;
(make -f Makefile.cvs)
make install
If it doesn't work, you probably need to remove the autom4te directory. Moreover, using mtaskbar.kdevelop will help in any case.
Have fun!
p a c k a g e s
o Gentoo by destuxor
Ebuild: http://dek.sinussource.net/index.php?option=com_ebuilds&Itemid=44&action=show&vid=60
Bug Report (to get Taskbar v2 into portage): http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=83975It
cfdisk /dev/hda && mkfs.xfs /dev/hda1 && mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/gentoo/ && chroot /mnt/gentoo/ && env-update && . /etc/profile && em
o SuSE 9.2 Kde3.4 RPM by linux3114a http://home.tiscali.be/raoul.linux/download.htm
rpm -Uhv filename
no changes, just new packages from third-parties
o fix: transparency on nontransparent kicker
o fix: 'on mouse hover and click' works again
o new: semitransparent buttons
o new: application exclude list for screenshots (usage: "className,windowRole;className,windowRole [..]")
o fix: definitely flickerfree
o fix: textcolor, now guaranteed readibility
o new: thumbnail will hide itself after 5 seconds (tool tip behaviour)
o new: apply icon effects (eg. toGray)
o transparency works now!!
o less flicker
o better thumbnail animation on small resolutions
o improved shadow style
o some new options
o new: shadows around text vs. text color
o new: smooth effects when blending in buttons
o fix: thumbnail flicker reduction
o fix: button flickers at window moving
o cleaner animations, animation enabled/disabled like in KControl
o disable animation if popupp was opened
o configuration: show buttons/ show thumbnails
o animated thumbnail views
o make taskbar flat and transparent
Ratings & Comments
Hi, I like this taskbar and I am using it quite long time without any problem. But unfortunately it is somehow not compatible with kicker 3.5.10. Would it be possible to fix it? Thank you!
The download link at the bottom of this page gives me a 404 Page Not Found error.
Is this a kicker applet that has to be enabled via kicker context menu? And is it possible to get transparent buttons which become non-transparent (like it is in kicker without your patch/applet) but with those very nice and useful screenshots as tooltips?
Well, I believe I have installed the application. configure->make->make install process went correctly but I do not see any differences. How do I enable or start up given tool?
I made some changes to this mtaskcontainer.cpp that reflects my personal tasts :), hopefully somone can find it useful. Here are the changes: 1 - Make the task button font color changeable. I was lazy to create an input field in the Advance dialog option, so I use excludeList (first field if begins with #) in the form #FF0000 2 - Use the task name instead of "(...)" when the task is minimized. 3 - Keep the font color the same (no blending) when the task is minimized. 4 - If the task name is longer than can fit on the button, I used "..." at the end of the task name instead of the original blending at the end. I know it is like Windows XP, but I m just moving to Linux from Windows so I need sometime to get used to the look and feel of Linux, so I m trying to make it looks and behave similar to Windows XP. Also, this is my first coding in C++ and QT (I m a java guy), so please forgive my dumbness Screenshot: http://home.cfl.rr.com/thufl/mtask_ex.png Code change: http://home.cfl.rr.com/thufl/mtaskcontainer.cpp Please let me know how I m doing :) Thanks and enjoy
I tried to compile taskbar but without any success. It always fails at "make" commend with this error: mtaskcontainer.h:72: error: extra qualification 'MTaskContainer::' on member 'drawShadowText' make[2]: *** [mtaskbar.lo] Błąd 1 make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/grek/Desktop/mtaskbar-0.7/mtaskbar-0.7/mtaskbar/src' make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Błąd 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/grek/Desktop/mtaskbar-0.7/mtaskbar-0.7/mtaskbar' make: *** [all] Błąd 2 I use KDE version 3.5.2-0.2.fc5. Any ideas?
I'm not a cpp programmer, but I did find the problem. Just edit the mtaskcontainer.h file in the src directory. On or about line 72, remove the "MTaskContainer::" from the call to drawShadowText. It's apparently a new check for later versions of gcc.
After this change it works like a charm. Thank you very much!
It seems that the site hosting the file is down. Does anyone have this to host or is the project canned? Would be a shame if it is canned....
Using KDE 3.5 I can't disable grouping of items.
I don't know if there is a new version, but KDE 3.5 does in fact "break" the original code for disabling grouping. I really like this program, but hate taskbar grouping.. so I changed the source to disable it. Opensource FTW~ To fix the grouping issue the cheap way: Download source -> Open KDevelop -> Open kdevelop project file in the main directory -> Open taskbar.cpp -> Find bool TaskBar::shouldGroup() const Make the function look like this: bool TaskBar::shouldGroup() const { return false; /*return currentGroupMode == GroupAlways || ( currentGroupMode == GroupWhenFull && taskCount() > maximumButtonsWithoutShrinking() );*/ } Save the file, and make / make install as usual. re-add taskbar v2 to the panel. Works fine for me. Good luck.
I've used this applet alot in the passed and just noticed that it is the cause of alot of jumpiness. WHen playing ut2004, for example, I get massive delays once in a while. Using hte normal taskbar, there is no such trouble. Is there any way to change the snapshot interval in the code, or else exclude certian apps from snapshots?
I am using mtaskbar for a while now, and i think it is teriffic! I have one question: Is there any way to leave the text beside the icon black, when a window is minimized. In my version (0.7), the text beside an icon is always grayed out when i minimize a window. Perhaps it is possible to disable the graying out in the source code? I tried it myself, but no success...
The next time I restart KDE or kill/restart kicker the options I set before are gone, I have to set all options manually each time taskbar-v2 is added to the kicker panel... Any idea for help?
It'd be nice if Taskbar v2 would honor the 'Group similar tasks: Never' option.
Indeed! I never noticed that issue until KDE 3.5 - but now I find it very annoying. I just hate grouping.
what to do if it not works? what is that mtaskbar.kdevelop? howto remove autom4te
using mtaskbar-0.7.ebuild and its awesome, but it lacks some features, here is what I would like to see done. Support for multi taskbars, I have dual monitors with two taskbars. Support for show only apps on monitor i'll add more later, busy right now
and maybe taskbar v2 could support mouse scrolling similar to normal taskbar from KDE. (scrol above task>> change of window)
It'd be nice if Taskbar v2 would honor the 'Group similar tasks: Never' option.
When switching desktops, it takes as long as 3-4 secs to repaint the taskbar (on a P4@1500 with 1Gb RAM), especially when there are many buttons. Can the 'fade in' of task buttons be replaced with something faster? (I've disabled the screenshots, it's still very slow)
"(I've disabled the screenshots, it's still very slow)" how to do this ? I was searching but I don't see this option (with screenshots it is too slow on my computer):(
Taskbar v2 Menu -> Advanced Options -> Grab Screenshots
what can i say??? perfect!!! exactly the thing im looking for
the flat look rocks and makes the taskbuttons' labels easier to read. thanks for this. but that minimalistic window-list button is too small. would you implement the option to have the same windowlist button as in the original taskbar?